
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:56:37
(特急特急)1.0.43的计数单位是( ),它有( )这样的计数单位.2.由9个1,3个0.1和5个0.01组成的数是( ),精确到百分位,近似数是( ).3.把0.28扩大到它的( )倍是28.4.保留两位小数,把23984500改 1、如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,AD是角平分线,E为AD延长线上一点,CF‖BE交AD于F,连接BF、CE,求证:四边形BECF是菱形.2、在正方形ABCD中,P是CD的中点,连PA并延长AP交BC的延长线于点E,连结DE,取DE的中点Q,连结PQ, 非谓语动词宾语补足语they sat here( )the fat man ( )A.to look at ,running B.to look at,runC.looking at,run D.looking at,running为何不选d?为什么run可以用原型 青藏高原的人依靠什么运输货物 中国爬上青藏高原的有多少人 青藏高原李娜是哪里人 i will give you a lecture,the title is.翻译 a+[(a^2+b^2)]^1/2=2怎么解?知道b=-1. 甲、乙两车同时从同一地点向同一方向行驶,甲车每小时行驶56.5千米,乙车每小时行驶45.5千米.几小时后两车相距132千米?(请用方程和算术俩种方法解答))、(注意:是五年级上册的,那种高 淘宝会计是做什么为什么晚上也要上班,不是做分录吗?能学到会计吗,难不难 孔子这样做有必要吗? . . He started to run.(He代的是fox) “My dear fox, why are you going?Don't you like the dog?Why,aren't all animals friendnow?”said the cock. 这里的why are you going?能改成一般现在时吗?为什么?二楼,你好!这里就是表“ 为什么青藏高原烧饭容易煮成夹生饭 With sth.run out还是with sth.run out of我知道人做主语就是用run out of,物做主语就是用run out.但是在with符合结构中是with后面的看做主语还是找句子的逻辑主语.如:with drinks and food run out (of),he went out to build sth.out of sth had been run out 还是had been run out of?说某物用完了不是sth has run out 为什么长期居住在青藏高原上的人的脸色往往都是紫黑色的? 好词好句好段10篇,在8月20日之前的!例子:好词:广阔无边、恋恋不舍、丰收在望、毛茸茸、垂涎三尺、天高云淡、大雁南归、轰隆隆、穿梭不息、繁忙好句:1、首先,我们来到了广阔无边的 教科书上说世界上最高的 珠穆朗玛峰高8848.13米,而生活 在青藏高原上 的人说珠穆朗玛峰只有4000 改成一般现在时 Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.He visited his grandmother Saturday morning.It was his grandma’s birthday.They cooked noodles together.In the evening they watched TV .Saturday morning Wu Yifan played football with friends.In th fool sb of sth= fool sb out of sth? (把( )里的词改一下)We (not watch)TV on Mondays.Nick (not go)to the zoo on Sunday. 英语翻译只要翻译,会的就告一下, 英语,改为一般现在时 改成一般现在时态.There-----(be)some glasses on it.He ------(go) to the park everyday.My uncle -------(live) in Nanjing now.------Lily and Lucy ------(like)China?Ronald -----(not like) to drink orang juice.I -----(be) hungry and my sister 这一段话什么意思?请高人帮助!里的when spanner the robot plants his flag on a new planet,he discovers that the planet is a space monster!captian Comet leads the space monster into a group of asteroids and when it starts to eat them ,he a 哪位英语高人帮忙翻译一段话.傍晚,我喜欢去校园.那里有童影犹在似的诗意的安静.我坐在树下的石凳上休息.一位老教师的小孙儿在玩耍.他悄悄的向我走来.五岁的孩子,以认真的双眸望着我 英语翻译本文试图在前人研究成果的基础上,研究光污染法律制度的体系以及实践中光污染法律救济的方式和应用,探讨我国城市建设中光污染侵权法律保护制度的建立及完善,从而促进我国及 踢球赛的时候经常放的这首歌,求歌名! Buddy you are a boy make a踢球赛的时候经常放的这首歌,求歌名!Buddy you are a boy make a big make a big moisePlayin in the street gonna be a big man samedayYou got mud on Don't make any noise(_)you should wake the boy.A.in caseB.so thatC.in order thatD.when Buddy you're a boy Buddy you're a boyMake a big noise playin' in the streetGonna be a big man some dayYou got blood on your face,big disgraceKicking your can all over the placesinging We will,we will rock you (ha ha)We will,we will rock you5iveKeep t buddy