
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:48:49
1.curly(反义词) 2.beautiful(近义词) 3.win(名词) 4.high(名词) 5.real(副词) 6.ugly(反1.curly(反义词) 2.beautiful(近义词)3.win(名词) 4.high(名词)5.real(副词) 6.ugly(反义词)7.good(副词) 8.thin(反义词)9.expensive(反义词 Beijing Opera combines music,acrobatic dance,and spectacular costumes to tell stories from Chinese history and folklore.Using abstract,symbolic gestures rich in dramatic meaning,actors represent personages from the heroic,divine,and animal worlds,oft 现在分词:write____ take___ answer____ have____ begin____ run____近义词:beautiful__原形:making__完全形式:Let’s____宾格:I____ 英语对应词 求大神解答almost. interested safe agree driver free problem true after right lose with quickly life on(to) 句型转换1、I liked playing basketball one year ago,but now I don't want to play it.改为同义句I ______ ______ ______playing basketball.2、Some people are hardly ever tired,______ ______?完成反意疑问句3、She's outgoing and confident. I liked piaying basketball very much one year ago,but now i don"t want to play itI ___ ____ ___piaying basketball .同义句He divied the players into two teams of eleven(改为同义句)Today"s meeting was less important(改为同义句)Today"s meet be hard to please 怎么翻译 a hard wok 与a hard job有什么区别 英语两个词组的区别long ago和long before 的区别 两个英语词组的区别~just now和right now的区别 人教九年级英语上册二到四单元的重点句型句型和单词.谢谢呐~ 莎士比亚是什么国家的什么学家 莎士比亚是什么学家 everyone is a person to the word.nobody is one another all,please belive me 英语翻译英语翻译题 请告诉露西考试前放松点儿.Please tell Lucy to ____ ____ ____ before exam. 英语翻译最不会这种约定俗称的语言了.、、 把 毛配配翻译成泰语怎么说 堕落翻译成泰语怎么说 英语高手进,英译汉fell asleepinsteadespeciallyscarf语法(请举句例说明)sometime,some time,sometimes和some times的区别感叹句中what,how,what a用法的区别 英语翻译1.许愿2.需要某人做某事 I don't know all the keys to success,but the key to failure is try to please everyone有这一句谚语的书名叫什么呢?跪求书的名称 Please try hard to find ways to success and not find reasons for failure!Please try hard to find ways to success and not find reasons for failure! Failure is but a stepping stone to success.翻译 This experiment turned out to be___failure,but,as we know,success often comes after__failure.A a;a B 不填;不填 C a;不填 D 不填;a 选C,为什么呢? I don't know about the key to success,but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.如何理谁来给讲解一下应该如何理解这句话?字面意思我知道,但深层的意思是怎样的?“失败的关键就是试图去取悦所有人. 古埃及十九王朝法老拉美西斯二世的王后奈菲尔塔利她第一次见到拉美西斯是几岁?实在不想打搅各位回答问题的兴致,可是我问的是她第一次见到拉美西斯是几岁,拉美西斯是18岁吗? 请教两个船舶的英文词组polit housecaptain house我是在一篇关于单片机在船舱监测系统中的研究的文章中看到的,其中在软件流程图中有一个have extend to polit house和一个have extend to captain house 晏子使楚后,楚国和齐国联手了吗? 《晏子使楚》 评价齐国和楚国 晏子使楚时齐国和齐国的关系 当晏子使楚的故事传到齐国,齐国的百姓会什么说? 请写出一个与子贡喻孔子同样道理的故事或成语这是一个思品作业