
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 11:45:09
Exercise such as playing sports is fun中为什么要用playing而不是play? Playing sports___ a living might seem like fun for some young people.(A).with(B).for(C).to(D).in 是不是用for? 根据对话情景填入适当的单词,每空一词~A:What'your ___hobby?B:I like ___very much.A:Can you make dumplings?B:Yes,I can.What about you?A:I like playing volleyball.B:I like playing volleyball,___.Let's play after school.A:OK.Let's meet_ 对话情景,填入单词(每空一词)A:( ) that?B:It's Kay,my ( )friend.( ) ( ),Kay.C:MorningB:This is Amy,KayA:Nice to ( ) you,kay c:Nice to meet you,( ).sit ( ),PleaseA、B:( ) ( )c:That's all ( ) 将下列地名与当地的民间艺术 中国民间艺术有哪些 在主题为“模拟科技新闻发布会”的综合性学习后动.假如你是组织者,你会怎样做会前准备?①搜集科技资料②③④⑤ It's five o'clock.Mr smith_________(go)back home.适当 you may call on me from one to five o'clock,during which time i am always at home.you may call on me from one to five o'clock,during ...i am always at home.A.which B.which time为什么不用which而要加time? 为了展示同学们学习关注科学的收获,七一班准备举办一次模拟科技新闻发布会准备一段开场白 落堂命什么意思 I am tired and have a lot of headaches中,头非常疼 ,“headaches”为何加“s” I'm tired and have a lot of headaches为什么headach加es “得之 我幸,不得 冰雪融水和积雪融水有什么不同 内流河对内流胡的补给为什么是单向的?冰雪融水对喝水的补给为什么单向? 你对民间艺术的看法?你觉得民间艺术是什么?你认为现代人该怎么对待民间艺术?要真实的写出,不要虚假的,网上抄的,要在自己的回答后,写出来源.急, I am tired and have a lot of headaches是什么意思我 额 这个句子查不着 用词填空,there are a lot of clouds in sky.it.ra用词填空,there are a lot of clouds in sky.it.rainy outside now there was a lot of clouds in the sky yesterday(同义句) There was a lot of clouds in the sky yesterday.写出同义句 It ___ ___ yesterday. 写景的三个成语 领头雁 和平鸽还有哪些还有哪些,越多越好,多的追加分.像领头雁、和平鸽类的词还有哪些?多越好, There is a lot of wind today,______ 是A还是B 为什么A.isn’t it\x05\x05B.isn’t there\x05 C.is there\x05 D.is it “基因组学与应用生物学”和“热带亚热带植物学报”那个质量高? 更改语句there is a lot of wind today in Guiyangthere is a lot of wind today in Guiyang.( ) very ( ) today in Guiyang. There is a lot of wind today.(同义) 适当形式填空:It is ___ (amaze)how nice people are to you when they know you are going away.翻译下 tired,I,am,I,and,have,lot,of,a,headaches怎么连词成句 是a old man还是an old man?如果是an的话,那为什么university是用a呢? “an old man ” 为什么用“an” 科迪勒拉山系和巴塔哥尼亚高原哪个更湿润?因为该地位于( )坡