
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:50:50
求歌曲:.where is the train ...where is the.where i know抒情英文慢歌 男生的,3月30日晚十点半左右music radio放的. IS THAT YOUR BYOTHERS是什么意思 把She used to be very fat改成否定句 急! you used to be short,didn't you?1.did you use to play the piano?2.i used to really quiet.3.you used to have long hair.4.i didn't use to like test.5.she used to have curly hair.题目的序号是6.请按顺序翻译 翻译时标上序号 The girl used to be fat.But after being on a diet,she was much thinner.这句话中的was改为is是不是更合适呢?used to do 不是以现在为基准的过去吗? 求The Kinks(来自英国BBC)的《Wonder where my baby is tonight》的详细、标准歌词 ...is the place where..和..is places where..区别就是有没有这个the,有什么区别.比如a popular criticism of schools is places that where study and research are divorced from the "real world"places前面为什么不加“the”? that ipod is mine的同义句 that LPOD is mine 怎么改同义句? look的近义词是什么 look for的近义词 look afterde的近义词 look like 的近义词谢谢你,要快 Look out 的近义词 歌词有句是she used to be my girl i used to be her boy 求歌名! 英语口语800句?英语口语8000句?英语口语练习?自己不想盲目的学习, play want live hope stop plan study have do go put他们的单数第三人称形式、进行时形式及过去式 we need a room .there is a kitchen in the room该同义句 A window in the kitchen room was ,there was rubbish everywhere and the clock.A.scatteredB.smashedC.scratchedD.scraped see 有什么近义词啊?比如look之类的,希望可以详细一点的~ 伤心的反义词是什么呀? My mother is in the kitchen 的翻译是什么 amazing fanfare中文翻译是什么? my mother was in the kitchen 为什么要加一个was?my mother was in the kitchen 为什么要加一个was?为什么? 他建议立刻动工翻译成英语为什么动词要用过去时? 英语过去时中动词是不是不用+BE动词是不是形容词前面才用BE动词呢?好像busy一样 是一般过去时 we need to answer that question for our presentations. 初中作文说说我自己 1000字 快 kanye west 的amazing 歌词 中文要这首歌的中文,不是用工具翻译的! kanye west amazing that is ___ very question he asked last week A a B the正确答案是B 为什么不能选A,very he asked the question that is very diffcult. 其中的that 可以用which 替换吗