
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:15:03
We may need their ( )urgently or it may be a small question里面填什么?A、money B、help C、care D、friendship 求教一个关于have 和has的small question!Both the ocean and the world has been died复数用have 单数用has,那以上的例子该用哪个呢?算是单数还是复数?I'm a English beginner就近原则?那岂不是取单数形式..Who is righ We feel like the U.S. treats Pakistan like a rainy-day girlfriend这句话指的是?指美国是巴基斯坦的女朋友还是巴基斯坦是美国的女朋友?如我有2种理解1 我们感觉美国对待巴基斯坦就像一个雨天的女朋友( They ( )( carry) out the operation as they hThey ( )( carry) out the operation as they have planned .填什么?为什么? They can carry their sons and d_____ in their pockets. calm什么意思 mistletoe什么意思? mistletoe神马意思? mistletoe是什么意思捏? 歌曲mistletoe的歌词 英语从句练习题最好是各种从句的混合题。希望有答案的详解。 Mistletoe? 英语从句练习题解答with the reform of educational system,the teachers__school i worked before have greatly changed their way of teaching.具体的解释 答案是in whose 为什么不能是Inwhich 求解英语习题 (从句)Although several years has passed, Mary was still the very lady ____ she was when I met her in ShanghaiA. what B. which C. whom D. that 英语从句这题怎么解I now know what was happening 我现在知道发生什么了.I do not know who he is我不知道他是谁.这两个句子对吗?如果对,这BE动词应放主语后吧?was 怎么不是放在HAPPEN后? saty是什么意思 would you saty with me saty with you的意思. saty的过去式是什么..dieguessstudylarystaywashwatch finishstop的三单线和过去式和过去分词和现在分词形式是什么 有些事,我不说,我不问,不代表我不在乎.求英文翻译 HTC Footprints是什么 cancelled assessment for sears 请问哪位可以帮忙提供"footprints"这篇英文散文啊?这是一篇很经典的英文散文,曾经在英语周报上出现过.有一次在广州荔湾广场逛的时候也看到过有件T-shirt上印有这篇散文的节选.其中有一段 encouragement是什么意思 would like只能加doing吗 有没有would like doing 这种用法? dance的 动词形式swim的名词形式又是什么 dance的职业形式 美呼叫为什么是officers down?美国警察部门无线电呼叫为什么是officers down?美国警察部门无线电呼叫为什么是officers down? with a sudden change of interest是什么意思 police officers and 如题 militia and reserve police officers是什么意思明早用!非常感激!