
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:59:30
Choose the ones you think are important 这句话有错误吗? 英语翻译If I had my child to raise all over again,I’d finger-paint more and point the finger less.I’d do less correcting and more connecting.I’d take my eyes off my watch,and watch with my eyes.I would care to know less and know to care mor 请大家帮我译一下draw your father children hey guys,miss u all very much!i am doing gd,pls dun worry!thx all of Hey,guys的意思是什么 l don't have any water.Would you please give me any 单句改错 a lot of .a lot .lot’s of .much too用法有什么区别啊 求you guys和your的分别!求you guys和your的分别!另外your能代表‘你们’的意思吗? love you guys 翻译下~ You guys are great!句子中you和 guys 都处在主语的位置,偶忘记了,这是什么语法现象啊? I miss you guys. I haven't seen you for weeks.How is your English study going?(Very good)thanks.为什么不用very well Nancy,I haven’t seen your parents for about two weeks.---Yes.They_American since two weeks ago.A.have been in C.left B “why did not you write to me?”Jane asked me改为间接引语要说明如何做, "why didn't you write to me?" jane asked 改成间接引语 "you must come to my house before9:00,"he says变为间接引语 ok you all takecare miss you guys to 希望知道的朋友能够帮我翻译一下 英语翻译英文 we still had shot to win.I tip my hat to my guys.求翻译 The phrase“blow hot and cold”means ( ).A犹豫不决的人 B一会发高烧,一会发低烧的人 C洗澡时,一会冲热水,一会冲冷水的人 D经常发脾气的人 The wind began to blow and it turned__ A warm B hot C cold D foggy 下文说下面会变冷 blow and blow怎么解释 and she didn't say a word of Englishand she didn't ( ) a word of EnglishA tell B talk C know D say 请化学高人指点~急!第20条!thx~~~ THX GIVING 哪位高人可以把这段文字翻译为英文的?thx~~`传说西周是齐地,今山东一带,有一户贫苦人家,父母早丧,幼弟依兄嫂度日,每日出外牧羊,人们都叫他做牛郎.牛郎渐渐长大了.他的嫂嫂一直不喜欢他, I would like to go somewhere relaxing?和I hope to go to france some day?前面的句子go后为什么没有加t为什么没有加to? about three and a half months ago three years ;或one and a half months 作主语 哪种情况下 谓语用单数 , 哪种情况下 用复数? The drive was arduously long for William怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译RT four season的歌词,安室奈美惠的,拼音!