
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 07:53:48
How much are these apples?改成同义词 问价钱用How many are these apples还是How much are these apples ( ) "_____ are these apples?" " 2 kilos" A.How yuan B.How C.How much 应该选择哪个?为什么? They're going to walk near a lake 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 He arrived in the city___a windy afternoon.A.in B.on C.at D.to 流光溢彩,呐喊助威,如醉如痴,浮想联翩,泪落如珠,囫囵吞枣,悲欢离合,牵肠挂肚,如饥似渴,的意思 类似于“泪落如珠”的词语 泪落沙漠是什么意思 泪之为物,只合为私己理由而落什么意思? 英语专家请进来O,I,C,U,这4个字母单词的读音完全相同,这4个单词是一个句子,请写出来:—————————————————————————————————————— 专家进来帮忙啊,英文好的都请进来哦.问题在这个地址里,是我昨天晚上提问的, 英语大师请进来帮我翻下列十句句子,用过去式1.你的长假怎么样?不过如此2.在长假期间,他做了一些有趣的事情3.前天,我们有趣的举行了野餐4.节日期间,商场很拥挤5.昨天,我一整天呆 英语翻译我这有14个单词,大多数是人名,音译和意译都要.1.CailleachBheara,2.Kelpie,3.Brownie,4.Banshee,5.RedCap,6.Imp,7.Pixie,8.Spriggans,9.BlackDog,10.Goblin,11.Hobgoblin,12.RobinGoodfellow,13.Nixie,14.Bogy. 完形填空___1__I went to that concert,I had always taken the "live-and-let-live"__2____that rock music was sinmply not my taste but that other peopel had every___3__to enjoy it if it was theirs.1A.since B.until C.after D.as2A.attitude B.decision C They are boating ________ the A.between B.in middle of C.in the middle of D.behind shops,week,many,in,day,the,closed,afternoon,on,one,a,are(造句) On Friday afternoon,many students are___after a long week of classesA.sleep B.slpet C.sleeping D.sleepy 泪落如珠是什么意思 abcd式的词语,如泪落如珠.(重点字如)25个. you're all that i 老师喜欢上课回答问题的学生,因为是对他的尊重,会让他上课更有兴趣和激情.如果你回答错了,会让他知道,他讲的这个问题同学没有理解,他有必要在讲一遍,让他了解到课堂情况.1、可以锻炼 All I Need Is You 省略的是That?是什么句型? You're all that I need这句话的意思就好.!拜托谢谢! Really,I still cannot forget you,only this result let me helpless什么意思? 像泪如珠滚的词语 The boys_____only two subjects last term,but this term they_____five.A.have,have B.had,had C.had,have 仿写词语;如;泪如珠滚 英语方面的口语高手请进来!请问英音中ə究竟怎么能发好,听他们讲发这个音时有点像中文里的“鹅”这个音,但是我用“鹅”在拼sə,hə,və,trə,drə音节时感觉明显不准,因为 Maybe time will be all that I need to grow.这句话怎么翻译呀. They’re near the river.的问句 补全对话( )They are near the river 卜算子 咏梅 陆游 这首词的意思