
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:41:20
英语翻译When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me,make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close,sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me,sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me,sw I don't think your cousin will come ___such bad weather,横线上填上介词 是so bad weather 还是such bad weather ,为什么 weather前面用什么介词 天气前用什么介词? It was such a bad ______!A.weather B.climateweather 和 climate 怎样区分? Please bring some water____(at to for /)her(选词填空并翻译) Please help yourself to some fruit on the table. 1,Please remeber not to drink_____ water.2,The girl____ to school on time every morning.3,What _____is it today?It is Monday.4,Who are they talking_____?what are they talking____?今天晚上哦, 九年级第一单元练习题 1、____English____is boring,but it's very useful.九年级第一单元练习题1、____English____is boring,but it's very useful.2、We should learn English___ ____,speaking,reading and writing.3、try one's best to do ————the drill is,it is very useful in improving your oral English.A.simple you considerByou consider simpleC.somple as you considerD.as simple you consider.快告诉我为什么,还有解释各个原因? MY Destiny(The last time we made love you said that you love me true I'm missing your) Today,we're in Australia.It's a beautiful,sunny day.翻译 It's a beautiful,sunny day!的同义句怎么写?写2句 英语翻译In 1997,a group of twenty British women made history.Working in five teams with four women in each team,they walked to the North Pole.Apart from one experienced female guide,the other women were all ordinary people who had never done anyt 纤除了xian还有什么读音并组词一下 the film was made based on a ture story为什么base用过去时 见字的读音Xian可以组什么词? it took him an hour to do his homework last night改为同义句 I called him last night,but he wasn't in.(同义句)I called him last night,but he wasn't ()(). It rained last night.(改为同义句) U2的《Beautiful Day》歌词翻译 beautiful day歌词keren ann 的 beautful day歌词.不求中文翻译,但希望务必准确.非常感谢恩.. 求beautiful day henrik wikstrom歌词就是三星广告那首歌 Have you at least read the back of the book to see what is about?这句话是双宾语从句吗?这里的双宾语从句体现在哪呢?顺便问一下什么是双宾语从句? what book have you read 可以用what+book直接这么表达,这么问吗 her uncle made a film__his story in his childhood(basing on)为什么不填which based? the film is ____a true story.based on 为什么不能用according to The movie is based on a ture story.的句子这句话是主谓宾补吗 马克西姆的 still water 表达的是什么感情听起来有些伤感 到底表达的是什么感情呢 based on true story still water这首曲子讲述的是什么?