
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:33:35
李叔叔前年5月1日存入银行4500元钱,存定期两年,年利率为2.70%.到期后,李叔叔要缴纳利息税多少元?实际可以得到多少元的利息?列出算式哦..算出咯·`谢谢分 (如果好)年利率为2.70%六年级上册 英语题(改为同义句)My sister is going to be a doctor when she is older.(改为同义句)My sister is going to be a doctor when she___ ___ 英语题 改同义句Zhang Ming is in the Reading Club.改同义句Zhang Ming is __ __ __ the Reading Club. 逻辑性思维的本质是什么? 有关于逻辑思维与跳跃性思维!一个正常成年人的思维 是逻辑思维 还是跳跃性思维呢?很多朋友都觉得我思维比较跳跃 有时甚至无法与我沟通 但我从不觉得有什么不对如何改善这种跳跃性思 人类的思维为什么会有逻辑性逻辑从何而来,理性从何而来,人的思维为何能够连贯呢,又为何会自相矛盾,悖论的产生是人思维的局限性还是客观存在呢? 如何加强思维的逻辑性 怎样提高逻辑性思维? with the help of teachers,they have made great progress( )A three years agoB in the past three yearsC for three yearsD before three years Many students have made great ______ in their lessons since they accepted the help. the teachers are all very experienced the students have made great prograa in their studiesa /...as b as../ c because..so d /..so that 紧急... Teachers have great ______ over their studentsA.influence.B.start C.habit 选哪一个?我选的是B. Teachers have the duty for the students` study.同义句Teachers ____ _____ _____ the students` study. 逻辑思维 具体怎么解释 逻辑思维怎么解释? 做梦梦到好多蛇,昨晚做梦梦在一个好大的房子里,有很多蛇,而且还是伤人的那种,梦到很多人死掉了呜呜呜呜 蛇多了简直没地方下脚呜呜呜 做梦梦见好多蛇是什么意思?做梦梦见好多好多各种各样的蛇在家里,其他的都被我弄掉了,只有一条很大很大的橘黄色的大蟒蛇,恐怖,我正在想如何消灭它,就醒了~~以前也梦见过,是什么意思? 请问做梦梦见蛇有什么说法? 做梦梦见蛇,有什么说法?最近我的左眼皮老跳,是福是祸 to my_my student have made great progress in english(satisfy) lucy is eighteen years old now and should learn to live_(depend)怎么做? In recent years,with the help of our teacher,I have made __ rapid progress in __ math.A.a;the B.a;不填 C.不填;the D.不填;不填为什么选D 昨晚我做梦梦到好多蛇.昨晚我做梦梦到好多蛇,其中有一条是白色,而且很粗很长,它们没有伤害我,我也没有杀它们这是怎么回事? The students made Simon monitor of their class_____the second time A;in B;on C;for D;at 选哪个? As a student,we should make the most of our precious time and work hard同义句As a student,we should ____ ____ ____ ____our precious time and work hardAs a student,we should____ ____ ____ ____our precious time and work hard As students,we should make best use of our time(翻译) Our classroom must be made _______ all the time.A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning 答案给的是B 变成被动不是要加to 吗?为什么啊?谢谢各位 of all the students,jack spent___time and made the fewest mistakes in the test A little B lessC least D the least The results of the exam___ That you have all made.The results of the exam___ That you have all made great progress.横线上为什么填shows呢.考试的结果,为什么不是单数? _______have konwn the results of the examinations 这句中The report shows (that) we are making some progress but that we need to make great effort.为什么其中第一个that可省而第二个不可省呢? _______have konwn the results of the examinations一道英语难题(详解啊)A It seemed toB It seemed to him toC He seemed that heD He seemed to还有一个问题19.–Could you tell me the way to ____ Johnsons,please?--Sorry,we don’t have __ The results of the survey made fascinating reading这句话是什么结构?reading为什么放在句末?