
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:00:21
feel cold today什么意思 she watches television every night对 television划 线提问 She watches TV every evening.But she ____________ (not watch) TV last night It will take you ( )time to go by train than by bus A little B less C few D fewer He usually goes home on his bike.(usually划线)(对划线部分提问 ) He usually goes home on his bike.(usually画线)(对划线部分提问 ) Our teacher never goes home by bike 对划线部分提问 划线部分Our teacher never goes home by bike 对划线部分提问划线部分是:by bike 对by bike划线提问应该用什么疑问词啊 Li Lei and Li Lin usually go home (by bike) 对括号部分提问 she watches TV at home every day对at home提问 norman takes a bath at home every day.对at home划线提问 she takes a t___ every summer. ①Tom takes the train the bus to work every day.②Tom takes the train home every day.为什么句②的home前面不加“to”,(这两个句子都没错) 英语频率副词有哪些,并造句... 芯片,英语翻译 英语翻译在datasheet里的这句话,是在不知道怎么理解了.Reading the contents of this register indicates the presence or absence of an active interrupt signal that is also enabled.这句话最后的that从句不知道怎么理解关键 原装进口韩国芯片 英语翻译 By training local doctor and nurse,we hope to help even more people.为什么要放个even在句子里?可不可以翻译一下这个句子 By ___(train ) local doctors and nurses ,we hope to help more people.咋填? We train a lot of local doctors and nurses.We hope to help even more people.(两句合并为一句) 一个男的唱的英文歌 I some love you ,i befor ,no no no (),we hope to help more people 我们希望通过慈善机构捐款来帮忙更多的人 英文翻译 Jenny------ TV every evening.But ast night she------.1空原形 watch 2空原形 do Jenny has study English every evening.为什么不对?正确的句子是Jenny studies English every evening. People will use the subways less.怎么改为一般疑问句并作出否定回答! Jenny is n____ a student.She is at h_____ every day. will people use the subway less?为什么less放在最后?那可不可以把less放在use前? joan spent as much time as she ___me with my english when i was studying in london. A could help B to help C could helping D helped答案是C,告诉我原因和翻译和不选其他的理由,谢谢 8.She spent as much as time as she could _______ over the lessons.A.go B.to go C.going网上答案很多有B,C的,各有各的理由,究竟该哪个?答案给的是B Robert open the door and went in( ).quiet quietly 选哪个?感觉书后答案错了.参考答案是quiet He always thinks___he can do more for the people.A.of howB.how为什么选A?若是B项,不可以把how he can do more for the people看成think的宾语从句吗? he always things of ---he can do more for the peoplea what bhow c if d whatever