
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/04 03:04:06
39级7班用英语怎么说 遇到挫折如何跨越的名言 I LOVE HIM MORE THAN 面对失败的名言 近东 中东 远东 的英语翻译是什么?俄罗斯 印度算什么地区? 求中文翻译英语、介绍天津的...不要翻译器、英语专业的行么?因为我喜欢吃食物,所以对食物印象深刻.正如我们所知,狗不理包子是很有名的,it's really delicious but it's a little small.(没错的话就 急求一篇意大利语作文有关意大利美食方面(比如介绍下喜欢什么,或者对意大利美食的了解),字数六十到一百即可不要什么谷歌翻译出来的,一眼就看出来了= = 求一篇意大利语作文Gentile Professor Angelo: La ringrazie per l'aiuto datomi del corso d'italiano nel semstre scorso! Alle fine del semstre scorso,Le ho detto che avrei studiato l'italiano a Pechino nelle vacanze estive.Le ho voluto chi 请问谁能帮我写一篇意大利语作文题目要求是这样的parla delle tue preferenze musicali,fornendo notizie sul genere,autori ,cantanti e diffusione fra le diverse categorie di giovani.in fine commenta il tuo genere preferito cercando d 请帮我写一篇意大利语作文题目是dopo aver parlato prevemente del teorema Dantesco,racconta gli episodi dell'inferno che hai letto e di perche ti hanno colpito i diversi personaggi che hai incontato.请写一篇意大利语作文 40W日光灯镇流器的电感有多大,等效电阻及日光灯等效电阻一般有多大? 粤语说发鸡盲是什么意思? 粤语说生鸡仔什么意思啊? 粤语说拜神唔见鸡是什么意思? 虎门销烟,为什么不是虎门烧烟? He said he would come b____ 5 o'clock and 6 o'clockkkkkkkkk~~ 改间接引语是He said he would call me tomorrow 还是He said he called me tomorrow He said he would call me as soon as he arrived in Beijing 对吗这个句子 his mother said that he would return at six o'clock还可以怎么说 (广东话)上次就被人家这样骂是不是”小姐”的意思呢?当时听了就气哭了,不过现在想确认一下 粤语里吹涨和颠过鸡的意思 电子烟在禁烟的范围之内吗?什么是电子烟? 电感镇流器骨架是什么材料,耐热可以达到多少度 what is the difference between WHILE and WHENplease give in details! what time 与when的区别当what time和when同时出现在一个问题中,是问几点,用哪一个? what's the difference between'over a period of time'and 'during a period of time'? 北京少儿英语好吗?;;;;; Could you ---- a message----him?( B) A.take,to B.give,to C.leave,from D.give,for为什么不能选A,而选B?把理由说一下.讲一下. .-Could you please take a message for him?-Could you please take a message for him?-_______please.I'll have to get a penA.Get onB.Hold onC.Turn onD.Put on could you ( )a message ( )him?a.take to b.give to Can I take a message for him? 怎么理解Can I take a message for him? 我能给他捎个口信吗?看到一个英语资料上的例句,我记得 take a message for sb 是为某人捎口信 take a message to sb 是给某人捎口信那这个 Can I take a message for him?(保持原意)Would you ___ ___ to take a message for him?