
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:39:41
第13题, 第13题求解,急 跟据上下文,补充对话1.A:How many seasons are there in a year?B:________________________________ 2.A:___________________________________?B:No,they can't.3.A:What can horese do?B:__________________________ 4.A:_____________________________ B:No 根据上下文,把对话补充完整.A:Jiamin,come here!B:____,____are these in the beg?A:Some clothes.B:Oh,teey are beautiful.A:Yes.____you like them?B:____,____ ____.A:____the clothes____your wardrode.And____the beg____the wall.B:____. 你能根据上下文,把这些对话补充完整吗?1.A∶Is there a bridge over the _________?B∶Yes,_________ __________.2.A∶Are there any __________in the apple trees?B∶Yes,____________ _____________.3.A∶Is this a village?B∶No,it isn't.I 最能表达妈妈的爱的一句话 我住在长恒花园,孩子上初一,楼下恰好有家龙文一对一,想去试试怎么样啊 龙文新城市广场校区那个龙文怎么样啊, 以12生肖为语素组成的成语 My name\'s neil Armstrong.Where was i on July 20th, 1969?这句话的意思是什么? Who was Neil Armstrong? 英语翻译Neil Armstrong:"It's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind." Or should that have been,"One small step for a man"?Neil Armstrong has always said that he thought that that's what he said and maybe the vital 'a' got lost in a cr 中国分为哪几个区?比如说东北地区:黑龙江.辽宁.吉林(越简单越好)…… 1.The bar in the club is for the _use of its members.A.extensive B.exclusive C.inclusive D.comprehensive2.I must leave now._if you want that book I will bring it next time.A.accendentally B.eventually C.incidentally D.naturally3.The president exlaine 国际花园城市奖到底是个什么概念啊,话说这个奖会有水分吗,还有就是都有哪些城市有啊,有什么级别的区分吗 If you care.Please tell me 什么意思If you care.Please tell me什么意思 If you care.Please tell me 怎么形容 烟的味道 和抽烟时的感觉?算算我也有6年的烟龄了.可是,突然想到这个问题,还真有点蒙.求高手指教. without for lunch without having lunch 哪个对 错的错在哪里 A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales. help怎么不加s i'm not having all of my hair cut off He is a slut,he named Pangjian.By definition,Pangjian and low inflation to death翻译下,thanks! She is a slut, she named嫒嫒. By definition, 嫒嫒and low inflation to death翻译一下 97.If you leave the club,you will not be ______ back in.A.received \x05\x05B.admitted C.turned D.moved 翻译并分析 97.If you leave the club,you will not be ______ back in.(全国II)A.received B.admitted C.turned D.moved 4.翻译句子:我们有价格优惠的裤子.能否翻译成 We have pants at a sale price这里sale是名词,那么价格优 closeout sale/price怎么翻译呀? sunburn 和 sun-cream 请问当别人说爱迪生是天才时他是怎么回答的?请从事教育的人帮忙回答. 爱迪生的那句话 天才等于99%的汗水+1%的.(省略号处是什么、)有人说是灵感,而且还有后半句 但那1%的灵感比那99%的汗水还要重要.我觉得不对吧,这句话(天才等于99%的汗水+1%的灵感)我的 根据上下文用适当的词完成下面的对话.A:What a nice day!B:Yes,it .A:Excuse .Where are you B:I’m from Canada.What you?A:Me?Oh,come from Singapore.B:So you can English Chinese.A:Yes,you’re right.What can you speak?B:We 1.篮球场上队员A、B、C、D、E的平均身高为182厘米,现在队员换身高为175厘米的队员E,使得场上队员的平均身高变成186厘米.队员F的身高是多少厘米?2.张老师存入银行2000元钱,按两年存款利率2.97%