
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:41:00
信步的意思 某企业4月份的职工薪酬的资料如下:(1)签发现金支票提取84000元现金,备发工资 怎么写会计分录(2)支付退休人员退休费8000元(3)发放工资并代扣水电费3000元(生产人员2000元,行管人员1 今有铁和锌的混合物12.1g,其中铁的质量分数为百分之46.28,与足量的盐酸反应后生成氢气多少升? 房间里出现大量的蚂蚁是什么原因 这是蚂蚁吗?为什么房间里常常出现 想象作文是属于哪种提纲式?《火星上的夏令营》写作提纲: He plays soccer.He plays rugby(both.and)改写一下 英语翻译用中文翻译Rugby was exported to the United States,changed a lot and became the sport that Americans now call football Eventually,I was brainwashed,arm will eventually have to screw the thigh.中文翻译 clamp怎么读clamp要怎么读啊 来个罗马音那个m呢? CLAMP要怎么读啊?(罗马拼音) CLAMP这个词怎么读的? 如何等分椭圆已知椭圆的长短半轴分别为600和400,并用4弧近似画法画了一个椭圆.求对两个椭圆进行20等分.要求是相邻的每个等分点间的直线距离相同. the project (has raised )money and paid for the education for poor children in the contryside.为什么用has raised不用 raised? group members may solve problems more effectively than does an individual这是不是强调句.到底什么时候那个谓语does能放上主语前做强调呢? 请问电话线HYAT53和HYA53,有什么不一样,价格相差大吗? 通信电缆HYV-50*2*0. 中国帮助欧洲解决债务危机,欧洲必须承认中国的市场经济地位,承认市场经济地位对中国有什么帮助吗?中国总理为什么要这样强调? Can only rely on memory to miss It's only me who treasures up the memory which belongs to both of us.It's only me who treasures up the memory which belongs to both of us. Memory is a bridge which only leads to the prison of loneliness.帮我下中文 hen the love has become a memory,continue to pay only a continuation of grief.翻译下 It's only me who treasures up the memory belongs to both of Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life,,only one of them has ever gone to live in the country .in the country可省略吗我觉得多余Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life,only one of them has ever gone to live in the count HYA-100*2*0. HYA-300-2*2. HYA-2*0. 明天温度多少 HYA10*2*0. HYA-15*(2*0.5)等同于HYA-10*(2*0.5)+HYA-5*(2*0.5)吗 In Ireland the past is part of the present,...In Ireland the past is part of the present,part of the people and part of its culture. 咏柳这遍文章的主要内容是什么