
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:53:48
1.People born long after she died are watching her movies on television.Objects that belonged toher bring huge prices at public sales.2.The actress later would describe her stays with these Foster families as sometimes very unhappy.尤其是born long 世界各地有哪些著名的佛教寺院只要名字就行了 英语翻译1,针对RST的垫片我们六月份已经提供ECR,但是很久没有回应,希望尽快发布一个waiver,去除这个垫片. 英语翻译听说有一个孤儿院招收志愿者,我打算去试试.利用我空闲的时间照顾那些可怜的孩子们. her arms are short 改成一般疑问句是is she arms short 还是 is hei arms short? 英语翻译1.大量学习生物知识,并将之运用于工作之中,更好地解决工作中遇到的问题.2.更好的学习英语知识,为将来更好地与客户沟通奠定基础.3.提高电脑技能,避免因为电脑问题影响工作效率, 英语翻译小狗对小猫说:你猜猜我的口袋里有几块糖?小猫说:猜对了你给我吃吗?小狗点点头:嗯,猜对了两块都给你!小猫咽了咽口水说:我猜五块!然后,小狗笑着把糖放到小猫手里,说:我还 改否定句、一般疑问句及回答:1、She is short.2、He has short hair.3、My name is Lily4、She comes from England.5、My mom is 42 years old.6、They live in Canada.7、They like reading.8、We are in the same school.9、You are a studen 题目中带有洞字的古诗 求几首题目里带有“远”字的现代诗歌 有关古诗词的题目山居秋鸣 王维 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋.名月松间照,清泉石上流.竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟.随意春芳歇,王孙自可留.题西林壁 苏轼横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同.不识庐山真 Mr Green arrived here an hour ago(改为现在完成时 Mr Green has___ here___ an hour .he has to stay at home.(用tomorrow改写句子) he ___ ____to stay at home tomorrow. ___________________?-She is slim and short.————————————?-She is slim and short.A、what dose your sister like B、how your sister look like C、how is your sister like D、what is your sister like 请问选择C或D 有什么 猜字谜 1.for what reason?(首字母为w) For what reason ,you spurned us 谁能给我几首描写秋天的古诗?作者,诗句都要具体 My teacher makes me ____(answer) the question The student replied,but didn't answer my question还是The student answered,but didn't reply my question they knocked the old man down and roobed him —— his cell phone.A for B from C to D of选什么,为什么选这个? Are those dogs his?No,they don't.【改错】 The student_______but didn't_______mu question.(用reply/answer回答)并解释,非诚勿扰! 獭兔毛英文怎么写? 无毛英文怎么说英语有没有白虎一说的,就是这样的口语 纺毛英文怎么说 Those handbag are white 变一般问句 I asked him where to go,but he didn't _____me.A.reply B.answer to C.reply to D.replied to 希望可以帮我以“秋·飞”为题做一首诗 以寒为题的诗句以“寒”成诗 a rich man named Richard Ellis had been counting中文 her friend has been married to a rich man.(为什么要加been,)想着只回答不行的,连回答也别回答了, has been doing与had been doing,这两个时态分别代表怎样的概念,表示怎样的动作发生,用于何种情况,请大家分别具体解释一下它们所用的场合 had been doingwho had been work in...for a long timewho had been working in.for a long time我支持下面的,请问下面的对吗?