
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:43:14
8虎门销烟的分外是什么意思 不加音标的阿拉伯语怎么读学了这么多音标 可是书写的阿语却没有音标,表示压力很大.怎么读? rubber 是英国英语吗? 国庆用英语怎么写 英语翻译要准确答案作为参考.1.It takes him about 20 minutes to get to school.2.Subtract 2 from 10,you can get 8.3.I like Chinese New Year better than any other festival.4.How much did you weigh six months ago?5.His parents own a Chinese r 英语翻译I do not have enough money for the dress.同:I can not ______ ______ ______the dress.We have alone here.同:We have ____ _____ _____here.We shall go to the hospital to see a friend,he is ill.同:We shall go to the see a friend,he is 英语 同义句+翻译Who are you going there with?______ ______ _______ you going there with?来和我们一起锻炼吧___ ___ ___ with us.你踢足球踢得开心吗?Do you ___ _____ ____ soccer? 英语翻译Take the third turning on your left.He may be studying in the library now.We should help each other.He is very in terested in English. give,send,take,show用法的区别这四个单词后都可接双宾语,如何使用? 初中的短语,类似于、put、set、show、carry、bring、take等 短语如题,选择题里有一些哪种类型的题目,顺便把汉语意思放进去,有多种意思的也标下(*),举几个例子~put out 扑灭take off 起飞;脱下* 洛阳市哪里有学英语的 尺子和象皮擦的英语单词是什么 象皮的英文是? 英语象皮是什么 The bridge was built two years ago·这句话对不对?能不能用The bridge was built from two years ago?对不起打错了。是能不能用The bridge was built( for) two years ago? ( )A bridge_____last years.A.has been built B.is being built C.was built Is this school__we visited three years ago?和Is this the school __we visited three years ago?具体差别在哪?where which 分别该填哪个?为什么? I received this gift a few years ago.(用for改写句子) I( )( )this gift for( )years. If we could turn the clock 我们要开辩论会题目是金钱和友谊那个重要 我是反方 The building----by the farmer in 1988.a build b is built c was built d builds 求答案与出处 写一篇国庆节发生的事情 【单项选择】The building()in 1999.A.built B.is built C.was built D.build【单项选择】The building()in 1999.A.built B.is built C.was built D.build When()the accident()?A.was;happen B.did;happen C.is;happen D.was This is the oldest _in our town. A. build B.building C.builds 下面不属于伊索寓言的有( ).A.《农夫和蛇》B.《狐狸和葡萄》C.《龟兔赛跑》D.《狐假虎威》 下列哪两个出自《伊索寓言》:A龟兔赛跑;B狐假虎威;C狼来了;D坐井观天 TURN BACK TIME怎么样 翻译下这个句子it doesn't turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress.其中的it its upon 是什么意思?在句子中做什么用? I'm Lucy and my ()sister is Lily 对大学美好生活的憧憬将是未来一年我不懈努力的动力 我相信有梦想就有希望 用英语翻译下 使我痛苦者.必使我强大 英语翻译给我一下,谢谢 listen的过去式,friend、hardly的形容词,helpful的动词,brother、photo的复数形式,上学迟到的英文,take单数第三人称,感谢那些懂英语的好汉们!