
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:32:41
--Excuse me ,look at the sign:NO PHOTOS!--Sorry,I__it.这个地方答案用的didn't see 为什么不能用haven't seen? Will you please stop s__ here?LOOK at the sign中间填什么 写出下列名词复数leaf______ puppy_______ box_______ knife_______ fly______ fox______ bus______ bench_____ brush_____ kiss______ church______ dish_____ ruler______ peach________ glass_____ pencil________ boy______ zoo______ man______ roof______ I have a dream that one day,down in Alabama,with its vicious racists,with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to I have a dream that one day I can be a great richwarm什么意思 I have five new books in my bag.写出同义句 the+最高级+复数名词? 最高级后面可以加复数名词吗?my parents are the most important persons for me 这句话里,是is 还是are porson 要加s吗 最高级后名词用单数还是复数 these boys play soccer three times a week.对three times提问( )( )( )do these boys ( )soccer a week?为什么笔在水里是歪的? 国际贸易实务名词解释 很多个不懂,RT.名词有:国际贸易惯例,FOB,中性包装,公量,国际多式联运,单独海损,仓至仓条款,推定全损,水渍损,托收,银行保函,仲裁,索赔,制单结汇,指示式提单,代理 国际贸易实务北京某公司与美商B签订出口合同,美商坚持用FOB天津贸易术语,北京公司却坚持用FCA BEIJING贸易术语这是为什么呢? 国际贸易实务 急某公司与外商签订了一份出口某商品的合同,合同中规定的出口数量1000公吨.在溢短装条款中规定,允许卖方交货的数量增减5%,但未对多交部分应如何作价予以规定.事后卖方依 有关国际贸易实务,…《公约》中对于交货数量是如何规定的? 国际贸易实务问题判断对错,为什么对,为什么错,说明理由~双方签订的贸易合同中,规定成交货物为不需包装的散装货,而卖方在交货时采用麻袋包装,但净重与合同规定完全相符,且不要求另外 I have three pens,none of them is expensive中的一个语法错误是什么啊,是不是问题在none of them上啊 some of them are red.some of them are yellow. —_____ do you help your mother do the housework? —Three or four times. A.How far B.How oftenC.How longD.How soon为什么选B?理由. how often do you go to a movie?(one .once a week.a week ago)哪个正确? coin(名词的复数) 英语基础口译听力教程 英语基础差 该怎么练习听力 能否把你的英语基础口译MP3听力传到我的邮箱吗?LENA866@163.COM非常感谢! 英语基础口译适合我吗?偶是初二的小妹,老妈觉得可以,偶嘛就是试试看的心态.反正老妈支持,考过的话,升高中也会有优势的吧.但如果不过,或是没耐心学的话还是有点浪费钱,所以来问问. i have a dream that one day 造句 5个以上 l have a dream :...that one day ...?请问这是什么意思啊? 十二生肖中哪些动物是尖牙利爪.凶牙露齿的动物动物 尖牙利爪的动物是什么? She is a tall girl wearing glasses.She is a tallShe is a tall girl wearing glasses.She is a tall girl_________glasses .同意句改写. 跪求never give up 的演讲稿要80S到100S的英语 求两分钟长英语演讲稿 never give up 名词解释或简答:“三突出原则”的主要内容是什么?