
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:01:15
主语从句答案1.____leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.a)Anyone b)Personc)Whoever d)Everyone2.____we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.a)That b)Whetherc)If d)Where3.____is to do good in all one's life and never do anythi 我是可爱的女孩,你们谁喜欢可爱的女孩? he always makes breakfast有错吗,breakfast是不是应该改为a breakfast the naughty boy always makes his mother_______.A.angry B.angryily 中国文学中除了严监生另外三个吝啬鬼是谁 对严监生是吝啬鬼的看法come on come on 那个可爱的女孩 英语翻译 He's heavier than his brother.(变为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) 大家都很喜欢他.英语翻译 his brother is [ ] [ ] [ ] than heA.three years olderc.three year olderD.three older yearsB.old three years his brother's handbag is heavier than his his brother's划线,对划线部分提问 关于HCl分子晶体溶于水电离的问题【求大神解答!】首先,看到有人解释是说,因为它的共价键(不知道是单指HCl还是所有分子晶体)可以看作是强烈的极性键,类似于离子键.但感觉这样的解说 our,come,please,competition,and,take part in(.) 连词成句 分析并说明鸟类的双重呼吸对鸟类生存的意义 高中化学、溶于水时HI 比HCL 更容易电离的原因. --Please come in and feel free to take a look around the house.--Well,big__B__it is,the furniture is too old.A.while B.as C.how D.when请问第二句话是什么句式?as在这里是什么用法? Excuse me ,can you tell me______?因选用why the train is late.为什么在这个句子不能用过去时 作文;同桌的你(只要开头和结尾)最好语句优美点,感觉很深奥 《同桌的你》作文好得就行 同桌的你作文600字1.需要第二人称 (你.你...你.) 2.尽量搞笑一点(如:你头顶锅盖身披麻袋...) 3.如果不想打太多的字的朋友 给我一点搞笑的关键词也可以 4. 为什么说鸟类牙齿的退化是对飞翔生活的适应不认同重量上的解释,而且不太可能是食性的影响.翼手目的蝙蝠同样适应飞翔生活,但是具有发达的齿,而且蝙蝠体积较小,齿所占的比重较大 鸟没有牙齿,这与鸟的飞行有关吗? 鸟类有没有牙齿鸟有没有牙齿? I played football问句,一般问句 Do you know why the train_____ _____?请问是填was late 还是 is late?3Q1.Do you know why the train_____ _____?请问是填was late 还是 is late?2.I didn't know______he was waiting for.是填 who that whom 3.He asked_____________________________ 同桌的你作文 同桌的你作文500字 200字的环保心得怎么写? 不同的镜子不同的我的作文 作文不同的镜子不同的我 I prefer a flat in Inverness to ___________in Perth ,because I want to live near my Mom’s .A .one B .that 详解选项B 语法题15. I prefer a fiat in Inverness to _______in Perth, because I want to live near my Mom’s. A