
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:15:28
He said【 he was going to Beijing】宾语从句做宾语 也可以这样分吗 He said是主句he was going to Beijing是从句 两种都可以吗 第一种 第二种各用了什么方法来分析句子吖 I said I was going to Beijing怎样改为翻译疑问句 I said I was going to Beijing怎样改为翻译疑问句 为什么 一个黑色的倒三角 里面在上面第一排是五个黑色的长方形 下面事USA 在下面是个问号 请问这是什么品牌标志 五个英文子母 i think action movies are e______. alice doesn,t think action movies are interesting同义句alice---action movies are---- I think action movies are exciting(提问)What do _____ _________ ________action movies i will going to taizhou learning tomorow翻译中文是什么意思 求the truth that you leave英文版 mp3地址 我放空间想作为背景音乐 去喝咖啡的英文可以这样说吗have coffee 我从不喝咖啡.英文 enjoy take out coffee 翻译 TAKE COFFEE怎么样 SHE是什么意思 she's color-coordinated she is may.这是啥么意思 京极堂系列包括哪些书 要去英国了,想换个跟中文名接近的英文名……现在叫Helen,中文名是Ziyu Huang Helen 怎么读?用中文的音调写! Helen is tired 改为一般疑问句 ______helen_____Helen is tired 改为一般疑问句______helen___________? It is interesting to hear what the class think about action movies.是个什么重句啊, Helen起得很早 翻译,正确的语序 Helen起得很早.翻译,挣钱的语序 It is interesting to hear what the class think about action She plays the violin in the morning,(用now替换划线部分改写句子) She plays the violin (in the morning)对打括号的部分提问错了,是用now替换打括号部分 she piays the violin in the morning对 in the morning提问 简述辛亥革命以后孙中山为捍卫共和制度所做的努力有哪些? 孙中山领导的辛亥革命的直接目标是什么 please do it ___(this) with/like a:hover.read_more 就是html中的标签 i can not read any