
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:45:49
英语电视节目怎么说? 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词.A:Hello,Huiyan.Are you free this Saturday?B:Yes,What,s up?A:we plan to go out for a pienie.Why ___come with us?B:Good idea!Bythe way,what need I take?A:Some useful things,___as food,drinks,an umbrella 请问总用地面积为10000平方米,其中总建设用地面积为8000平方米,代征道路面积为2000平方米,容积率为2.2,请问在这个地上能建多少面积的建筑? 建设用地面积1000平方米,容积率3.0,建设密度33%;总建筑面积是多少,至少要建多少 层 for this purpose 和 for this reason ,in short,on the whole 这些词组各是什么意思,也许有些词组不正确,如果不正确的 请指出来 have you previously been inerviewed or employed by this or employed by this or other branch of our company. The purpose in writing this text is? What’s the purpose of_______this article? 2.Suppose (假设) you want to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games.Make a speech for that.小短文,50字左右(英文) she want to be a volunteer of the world university games.哪里有错 为什么新民主主义革命政治纲领是建立新民主主义共和国 谁帮我取一个英文名字 我是巨蟹座男生 要比较特别的 不要太大众化最好能和 漫 卷 强 随便那个字扯上关系的 once environmental damage ________,it will take many years for the system to recoverA has done B is to do C does D is done 错在哪?还有D表示什么回答者:匿名 12-2 00:52 xieixe 谁能帮我想一个女孩子用的英文名,特别一点的,不要太大众化?最好标上读音,稀少一点哦,有个性一点 Many changes()place over the years in Guangzhou.A.will take B.take C.have take D.took 我叫张强 处女座 ,本来名字就很普通了,所以想去一个不要太大众化的英文名! 观看《建国大业》结合史实,新民主主义社会的基本特征是什么?有长篇大论的最好,不要几个字的. 新民主主义社会的基本特征是文化上实行新民主主义思想指导下的民族的科学的大众的文化.对吗? 多瑙河发源地在哪里,又在哪个国家注入什么海 多瑙河的发源地在哪个国家? 求女生英文名,最好不要大众化的我马上出国,但是要一个英文名 推荐几个适合女生的英文名,不要太大众化的 以L开头的女生英文名有哪些比较好的?不要太大众化了 He work hard at English__he can be a volunteer in beijing 2008 Olympic Games.A.such that B.so thatC.in order to D.make sure He has been to China in 2003有什么错?答案只说有错楼下说He has been to China since 2003对吗? Where can I catch the bus?怎么回答,是什么意思 How __ your sister and brother?怎么填? They might say:"Oh,sometimes it's like this instead," ...They might say:"Oh,sometimes it's like this instead," and everything is totally different,but because it's not the most common variant,they think it's unimportant我实在看不懂了!这本书 they can say 还是they can talk? 英语选择题,随便讲一下prefer to rather than 百度账号的等级是看财富值吗?如果是,多少财富值可以达到二级,三级,四级,最高几级,分别有什么特权? 鄂G是哪里的车