
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:14:39
they're living in china happilythey ___ ___ in china (保持句意不变) 在括号里写上动物的名称:( )鬼( )神、( )鸡( )盗 动物邮递员 笔仙真的存在吗?如何用科学道理解释. 笔仙是怎么回事,我想寻找科学的说法笔仙,碟仙,筷仙是怎么回事,听哥哥说的十分悬乎,听着跟真事似的,我是坚定的无神论者,只相信科学,反对迷信,我想找个科学的说法,迷信之类的说法请别发 my parents are () teacher我的父母都是老师 用all还是用both?为什么? her parents are___(both,all,either)teacher中用哪个呢? 游东方绿舟作文, Both of his parents like palying cards改为否定句Neither of his parents likes palying cards为什么like要加s His parents like playing ping-pong .改为否定句 his parents like playing ping pong 改为一般疑问句 怎么 判断一个词语 是不是成语! 怎样判别成语和词语急 where does he live?do you think?合并成一句 a bus ride to the countryside 这篇阅读的答案不要说找报纸主办方拿答案 求问Both of my parents中的of可以省略吗? the bus ride怎么翻译 the bus ride 怎么翻译?课文里出现了这个短语,怎么跟学生解释? 连词成句 took the we long bus a countryside ride in lake a to 句中有HAVE HAS 的反意疑问句如何问用 do /have? 关于问天气的特殊疑问句? 在北半球植物茂盛的中纬度地区,一年中大气co2浓度相对较高的是1春季2夏季3秋季4冬季为什么冬季呼吸作用强? 东方绿舟作文500字, my parents are both painters这句表达的对不对both和are能否改变前后位置 She ( )us English 括号里用teach的正确形式 能给我一堆must have 怎么用的句子吗?我不会用啊!i must have asleep ?or i must have been asleep?i must have gone crazy ?对吗?给我一堆例子参考好吗拜托了 where must the puma have come from 其中must have done是什么用法? It must have been they who picked the flowers.这里的强调句的must have been 为什么用现在完成时? 新疆的植被多吗?主要分布在那一部分?能按照以下为我分析一下吗?纬度 海拔高度 海陆关系 植被 面积 英语翻译as we know _the temper told me he_______in this school for more than twenty yearsA、had worked B、have worked C、has been reading they have got everything ready,I'm sure they'll have a s____ meeting.