
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:13:52
对括号内部分提问:They were ( friendly and interested.)They were ( friendly and interested.)------ ------- they? 伴你学,第4章声现象, 物理八年级上册伴你学第2页1至11题的问题, 单元测试卷物理八年级(上册)第二章 光现象 What makes you feel the way you do about this and that?翻译 改What about that brown one?为What do you()()that brown one?今晚交的加分 what do you thingk about that谁有这歌.谢 were they beautiful?作否定回答 The apple in this suoermarket were i____.they were cheap Were they in youe bag just now?(作否定回答) ____,they___. The oranges in this supermarket were (i ),they were cheap.在空格内填上一个适当的单词,该词首字母已给出. 《有妈妈真好》作文300字左右.急 《有妈妈真好》作文300多字左右 今天真好的作文300字左右 what do you mean you don't know 西安这边有没有什么好的数学家教, i don't know what you mean和i don't know what do you mean 有区别么? 松江数学家教哪里比较好?数学一直不行 急 济南家教哪个比较好?我儿子今年初二了,数学比较弱,求家教机构? 86.8g换算成kg!求了我在算物理题,求了! i love you ever翻译成中文是什么意思 For fall you are,for all you do,for love you and I always will …forever and ever 中文意思是什么?想知道中文是什么, love you for 高数极限问题 lim (√(1+xsinx)-1)/e^(x^2)-1 数学解答题: That what the boss said at the meeting was not true.其中句首为什么用that She got her son _______ (sleep ) on the floor last nightto sleep, why? It was too noisy ______ we couldn't hear ______ he said at the meeting.A.so;that B.so;what C.that;what D.for;that 若(x^2+nx+3)(x^2-3x+m)的乘积中不含x^2和x^3项,求m、n的值 一个三年级小女孩 英语30分 我去给她当家教 教她啥! 最近要带家教,初三的英语.能不能给我讲一下怎么教啊.我六级过了,做题是没事 可我不大知道怎么讲.而且那些什么从句、时态也不大清楚了.毕竟两年多了.我没有经验啊 求可以配音的英文经典电影对白有个配音比赛,配英文电影,有没有那种非常慷慨激昂的,打动人心的片段,能让人印象深刻的,3-5分钟,2到3个人,说出电影名字,大概时间.