
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 14:44:07
请高手看下这手表值多少?RADO jublle 180.0286.5 scratchproof watersealed sapphire tungstensteel 621g怎么区分假真?真的手表会停掉吗? 初三英语短文改错题,求各路大侠拔刀相助!Can animals made to work for people?Some scientists think that one day animals may be train to do a number of simple jobs instead of people.Perhaps you have seen it on the television or ina film (以实代虚)1.甲、乙两个自然数,甲数相当于乙数的4/7,甲、乙两数的最小公倍数比它们的最大公约数多1998.甲数比乙数少多少?2.在一根长长的木棍上画三种刻度线:第一种刻度线将木棍分成 2007江苏高考物理6题如图所示,光滑水平面上放置质量分别为m和2m的四个木块,其中两个质量为m的木块间用一不可伸长的轻绳相连,木块间的最大静摩擦力是μmg.现用水平拉力F拉其中一个质量为2 镇江物理中考题在学完凸透镜成像规律后,小明选择了一块焦距未知的凸透镜,对凸透镜成像特点作了进一步探究.⑴ 为了测量凸透镜焦距,他让一束平行光正对射向该透镜,须调节光屏位置直 如图,Rt△ABC的直线边BC在x轴上,斜边AC上的中线BD的反向如图,Rt△ABC的直角边BC在x轴上,斜边AC上的中线BD的反向延长线交y轴负半轴于E,双曲线y=2/x(x>0)的图像经过点A,求OE、BC 值我等级不够 发不鸟 RADO jubile 共有几款? Look The girl _________ up.A.stands standing john_____ and answer the question please A standing up b stand up c stands up d stood up是选择b 还是c When the president comes in,( )up and clap your hands.A.stand B.stands C.standing stand 修一条公路,未修长度是已修长度的3倍,如果再修300米,未修长度就是已修的2倍.这条公路长多少米? 汉字流传至今而苏美尔文字、圣经文字灭亡的原因世界上最古老的几种文字,如古埃及的圣书字、古巴比伦的楔形字、古印度的印章字都先后消亡了,惟独曾经作为四大古老文化载体之一的汉 苏美尔文字与汉字那个早 阿卡德人所接受的苏美尔文化具有哪些鲜明的特征?a、对宗教的虔诚 b、经商能力 c、城邦制 d、楔形文字 一个带有指数的数字,指数是否一定要是整数?还是也可以是小数? 数字的指数为小数是什么意思? 粤语中的"话知你"是什么意思呢求高人解答 若[(√17)+4)]2n+1这个数的整数为A ,小数为B.证明B(A+B)=1,其中2n+1是指数 look up in the dicionary 求初二英语短文改错 急 30分钟内Dick has a friend.His friend name is George.He\ on big ship every day.The ship goes from\x052.England to China,for George is often on the \x053.ship for many months at one time.And very\x054.often 谁有初二英语的短文改错?帮帮忙啊! 初二英语短文改错一篇【8:30前要.】A man was setting out to visit one of his friend early in the morning.1.He brought some cakes with him for the lunch.When he was walking 2.on the road,he thought,“My friend is sure to give me a nice br 短文改错, 古印度文明是苏美尔的子文明吗 古印度文明与苏美尔的关系是什么? Lucy and her dad go for a walk.Lucy sees a bus.She tells her dad,"I want to be a bus driver.I want to drive people form place to place."Lucy and her dad pass a hospital.Lucy looks at it.She tells her dad,"Iwant to be a doctor.I want to help sick peop 求解第三题与第五题.这种类型的题目该如何解答 1一3题,求解答 The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question.A.discussB.and discussing C.discussingD.and discussed 为何选 C,语法是怎样的呢? The boys_____the answers.【konw】 定语从句中tha和which的区别 要例句 which where在定语从句中到底有什么区别啊!