
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:58:34
改为同义句:They could not buy a house because they were very poor.They couldn't ____ ____ pay for a house. they won't buy any clothes because they---to buy a new car.(be save)but what save means there they won't buy any new clothes because they money to buy a new carThey won’t buy any new clothes because they________money for a new car.[ ]A.save B.were saving C.are saving D.have savedA save B were saving C have saved D are saving 为什么选D,B teenagers can't drive cars because they are't (c ) enough. forever you know my love with DO you know you are my only love...forever love.so l love you什麼意思 Don't you know my love for you lasts forever的意思 The room needs ____(be) big enough for 3 people.谁若知道就告诉我 温柔的近义词是什么 温柔的反义词、同义词 I only love you do you know 翻译 Love,have no who sorry who,only have who do not know to cherish who! I oniy you know I is love you I only love “五千年大河文化、八百里锦绣中原”的英文翻译 语法要正确的 “偶像”. 作文题目是目光因你而停留,我能不能写自己的偶像啊?如果能写,该怎么写比较好呢? 有关偶像的作文题目,哥哥姐姐们,告个好点的! 艺术有关的优美句子或文章 This is the house where we live . 根据答句写问句: 1.This is Liu Yun speaking. 2.Chen Jie is from China. 3.Mike is comes from Canada. 写一篇题目是《My dream room》的英语作文 林俊杰外貌描写[要中文的] 英语翻译明天就考英语了.老师说作文里要写这个短语.当时教室太吵了我没听清楚她说山青水秀的英语是什么.她也不写在黑板上= =我查过了、不要说是green mountains and clear water,我记得老师说 林俊杰为什么写《记得》,有什么特别的意义. 英语:山青水秀,如何翻译如题 谢谢了 帮忙写一篇描写林俊杰外貌的英语作文,大概在80词左右 This is the house ______ I used to live.A.whichB.whereC.whenD.in where 找出下面短文中错误的,并更正.一共有8个错误的地方.Amy is going shoping with her mother.She’s making list.On the list,she write down 5 pencils,a eraser,5 bananas,7 ice cream,4 cakes and two kilo of cheese.She wants some sweet,too This is the house where i live in 请问这是什么从句? 下面那篇作文是我自己写的,不知道有什么地方写错了,大概能有多少分.难忘的一次演讲每个人的人生旅途都不是顺顺利利的,总要经过无数次的惨败.要有无数次惨败的付出,才能迎来无数次对 fine什么意思 fine的意思是什么 fine的意思