
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:15:43
某服装厂生产一批服装,已知上衣衣身与两只袖管刚好配套,做上衣衣身一件要3米布,做一只袖管要1米布,现有300米,请问,用多少米布做衣身,多少米布做袖管刚好配套,可以做多少件上衣? 一块布料,做6件衣服余2尺,做7件衣服缺4尺,这块布料有多少尺? I thought ______very useful to know the customs of foreign countries.A.thatB.to comingC.it D.to go I tremble at the very thought of I tremble at the very thought of it 是我一想到这件事就不寒而栗..什么叫 at the very thought of it 用俯拾皆是唾手可得孤苦伶仃背井离乡举目无亲谈虎色变龙肝风胆有恃无恐懵懵懂懂寄人篱下雄心壮志造句 用“俯拾皆是、唾手可得、千辛万苦”造句 连在一起 在市场经济的条件下如何培养诚信意识 正则表达式怎么写?最大长度:17位,由大写字母与数字组成(仅允许出现一次“/”,并不得作为开头和结尾),“/”随机出现.我自己写了这么一个 ^(([A-Z0-9]+/?[A-Z0-9]+){0,15})?$ 仅允许出现一次“/ 求帮忙写个正则表达式有中文、字母、数字,数量不确定.请问该怎么写?我给几个示例,就是这样的.(中代表中文、A代表字母、12代表数字)中中中AA12中中中中中中AA12中中中中中AA中中中反正 香奈儿的chance change如何?我想问coco(女士淡香)和change的香型,那种更清谈? what kind of friend to you like to make rich one our clever one?your reason?尽量长点 魔术的英文 Scientists say it may be ten years _____ this medicine was put to use.A since B before C after D.when 给出正确答案,理由和翻译 Scientists say it may be a few years___it is possible to test new medicine on patientsA.because B.after C.before D.since scientists say it may be five or six years____it is possible to test medicine to human paientsA sinceB afterC beforeD when It may be five years ( ) it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A before B after Cwhen D since _____,we have hot and rainy days in this season. alibaba made in china Global Sources 国际贸易网络平台那个好? made-in-china alibaba busytrade tradekey TTNET globalsources 哪个更适合欧洲电阻市场开发? 请问哪位网友知道We use EMS to make shipment.中的EMS make the following survey是什么意思 英语翻译My sister is ___ ___ working in that company.=My sister ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. how is that working Scientists say it may be a fe years___it is possible to test the new medicine on patients.求翻译、谢谢 帮忙写下英语选词填空!顺便把意思写下!Thanks very much 1.根据( people ,boats ,birds,photos ,watching ,table ,around ,swimming ,cards ,talking )This is a picture of a park .There are many (1) in the park .there aren't any flowers ,b It_________five or ten years before the new medicine is tested on human beings.A.will take B.took C.takes D.has taken选A I take a lot of exercise and am very fit 中的am为什么是对的? The last chance,The biggest i heard the bees long before i saw them I heard a lot about the pop ( )(sing) before用所给单词的正确形式填空 在新加坡Orchard Road这条街华语名叫什么?“乌节路”吗? 新加坡sunrise court orchard road是什么地方,中文怎么说