
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 19:37:59
初二证明题,有图如图,已知△ABC中,∠C=90°,AD是∠BAC的平分线,DE⊥AB于E,F在AC上,BD=DF,求证,CF=EB 一道初二的证明题,有图如图,△ABC是等边三角形,P为△ABC内部一点,将ABP绕点A逆时针旋转后,你呢个于△ACD重合,如果AP=3,求PD的长 初二的一道证明题,才华横溢的各位拜托了~(有图)如图1所示,点C为线段AB上一点,△ACM和△CBN是等边三角形,直线AN、MC交于点E,直线BM、CN交于点F. (1)求证:AN=BM; (2)求证:△CEF是等边 87、129、171分别除以同一个数余数都是3这个数最大是() 作图题 已知:∠AOB(如图) 求作:①作∠AOB的角平分线OC ②在∠AOC内作一条射线OE ③用量角器在∠BOC作图题已知:∠AOB(如图)求作:①作∠AOB的角平分线OC②在∠AOC内作一条射线OE③用量角器在∠BOC 如果87.129.171分别除以个数,余数都是三,那么这个除数最大是多少还有哥哥 87和59除以同一个数结果都余3,这个数最大是多少 初二图形证明题四边形ABCB中(不规则图形),E,F,G,H分别是AB,BC,CD,DA边的中点,求证:四边形EFCH是菱形 翻译英语句子:1.Do you like to give gifts? To whom do you like to give gifts?2.Today Jenny is going to talk her class about Christmas. 3.Because it is a very inportant Western festival. 4.I wanted to show it to Li Ming,because he wasn't he why do you want to give up my love 翻译 ___cold in the sitting room,the old lady turned on the air-conditioner to have the temperature____a,to feel,raising b,feeling,raised c,fell,rising d,being,risen 理论力学题目一道最后一步 三分之四米哪里来的 the room is cooled_______air conditioner 答案是by还是with;理由是什么? 理论力学的一道问题质量为m、半径为R的均质圆盘,在边缘A固接一质量为m的质点,当圆盘以角速度绕O轴转动时,试写出系统的动量大小;动能的大小,对O轴的动量矩大小. 一理论力学题目图示机构中.AB=250mm,CD=200mm,图中尺寸单位是mm.在图示瞬时,杆AB与CD相互平行,且均在水平位置;杆ABw=2rad/s,角加速度a=6rad/s²,转向如图所示.试求该瞬时杆BC和CD的角速度, 英文歌,就是这首歌曲 麻烦英文好的人听下 这什么歌曲或者将个别歌词告诉我也可以 Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to,like your deepest feelings and thoughts?翻译成汉语 若射线oc是角aob的平分线,则角aoc=角boc= 角aob,或角aob= 角aoc= 角boc若射线oc是角aob的平分线,则角aoc=角boc= 角aob,或角aob= 角aoc= 角boc do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to?是什么从句 Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to like your deepest feeling and thoughts,以上那一段话的意思是什么?句中WHOM是否定语从句的引导词,Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to like your deepest feeli do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to.为什么用whom?who可以吗 do you want a friend to whom you could tell everything有这种语法么?为什么等于do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to吗 帮我出50道数学题!有赏——积分帮我出50道初一上半学期的数学题,其中有30道计算题,计算题包括有理数加减乘除混合运算,方程,整式化简;20道几何题!别忘了把答案也写出来啊! 哪里有小学数学题目和试卷? 江苏密卷小学数学二年级上第一二单元试卷 I want to you.Want to chat with you 中文意思是什么? 我说:i thought you didn't want to chat with me 他答:I do 他的“I do, I just want to chat with you是什么 who want to chat with me 对还是who wants to chat with me 对 直角梯形ABCD中,AD平行于BC,AB垂直于BC,AD=4,AB=12,M是AB的中点,以CD为直径画圆P,判断点M于圆P的位置关系. You just want to be able to talk with me I do not want to sleep,I just want to talk with you ,but you are usually busy!I do not know how to do!I do not want to sleep,I just want to talk with you ,but you are usually busy!I do not know how to do!