
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 08:49:47
发这个音的有哪些单词,除了sure,tour,poor之外,还有别的吗?举出一个就采纳. 我心永恒 的英文是什么? 叙利亚的卖水人尤今的写作特点 描写荷兰田园风光的作文········400字以上···············要是从哪里见过···· 第二供应商英语怎么说? 关于《傲慢与偏见》开篇第一句It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife请翻译,并解释一下此句的语法...主要是逗号后面为什么不用which,是强调 英语语法 英语语法英语语法 英语语法 英语语法 英语语法Dr Simonsohn and Dr Gino discovered that their hunch was right.If the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than th She has a car and she can( ).括号里填什么?对不起,没分了,好心人帮帮忙 Assess Job Requirements and Talent Competencies Rather than negotiating which competency model is better and conducting a gap analysis to figure out what is missing, spending precious time while employees suffer, consider a“buy-use-discard” appro 英语翻译Since last April,19 cancer patients whose liver tumors hadn’t responded to chemotherapy have taken an experimental drug.Within weeks of the first dose,it appeared to work,by preventing tumors from making proteins they need to survive.Th my father is 35____this year 横线内应该填什么? be excited 后面可以接什么结构?能不能借to do sth? This year my father is twice my age.这个表示倍数的结构为什么不加as,即This year my father is twice asmy age. 天地混沌如鸡子,盘古生其中 划横线阅读(2处) 我心永恒英文怎么说 英语翻译Can you please give me your best quote for one 20 ft container with 50% 57mm and 50%127 mm and in each width 50% of clear and metal.Once I see the landed pricing I will revert.“clear and metal”指的是透明聚酯薄膜和镀铝膜. 英语翻译 有的广玉兰害羞待放,碧绿的花苞鲜嫩可爱 仿句 有的含羞待放,碧绿的花苞鲜嫩可爱这句话是拟人句吗? 含羞待放(在 广玉兰 中的本意) 玛丽和吉娜的房间用英语怎么说我不记得了 - - 鲁滨逊漂流记赞美了___,赞美了___,却歌颂了__ 如何理解好人?坏人? The person whois( in charge) of the foctory has (been )ill since last week为什么用括号里面的答案 p___ a person who is ill 请问谁有巴比英语工作室新目标英语同步听力七年级下册?我很需要,希望可以快一点,最好在4月19日之前, 手机拍不完整,进来发完整题目 求助,初二英语,手机拍不完整,进来发完整题目 手机拍不完整,进来发完整题目, 手机拍不完整, 那你还爱不爱我吗?英语怎么说 罗麦派水杯怎么用