
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:46:38
We are going to have 3 days Labour Day holiday from May 1st to May 3rd---这句话写得怎样?五一劳动节公司放假3天,5月1日-3日. 1.用born作动词造个句子.2.what is the price of your skirt ,Lucy?it looks so pretty.it ()me more than 120 yuanA paid B cost C spent D took3."Get a ladder,please,i can't ()"Jim said in a tall tree.A coma back B come out C come down D come on 选 No.but she is good with her cousin.根据答句提问 提示词(Susan,sister) Stop talking and listen to me_____(careful)带原因 they cant have come back from the exhibition show yet 反义疑问they cant have come back from the exhibition show yet,反义疑问要你选反义疑问,一个是have they 另一个是do they ,选哪个?为什么?如果是have they的话神恶魔时 Stop talking and listen to me为什么是stop doing而不是stop to do,stop to do不是停下一件事去做另一件 反义疑问句填空They must have come back,______? Too Beautiful To Die. Too Wild To Live翻译一下 谢谢 too fast to lie,too roung to 这是我的关节熊胸上写的一句话觉得比较好玩就想知道是不是一句谚语 It is requested that the plan_____ out as soon as possibleA.must be carried B.is to carry out C.carried D.be carried that's why it is important to use new technologies as young as possible May be some old people will have pain in their joints using these devices that's why it is important to use new technologies as young as possible.这句怎么看也不理解 墨子如何一步步止楚攻宋 墨子能够止楚攻宋的原因有哪些 after表示时间的用法She said to me," I'll tell you the result of the test ___ I know it."横线处能填after吗? 请举例区分after和in表示一段时间以后的不同用法? after+时间段用法?时间段 It'S Been A Year 歌词 求but,however,though,so的区别 请细讲 公输子削竹木以为鹊中公输子和墨子衡量巧的标准各是什么 公输子与墨子衡量巧的标准个是什么 it's been a while since my last mission.i'm out of shape.以上,该怎么翻译? she is too tired .she wants ---(relax). Don't leave the on the floor.A.dishes B.dish 2.After school,she relax .A.cans notB.can not,too C.can not,eitherD.cans not;either 3.our teacher carefully.A.listen B.listen to C.hear D.hear to 4.I must practice English every morning.A.speak B.speaking 选择题After she___the book.she so tiredAfter she___the book.she so tired A.read B.reading C.reads 选哪个?理由? 站在原地,等你的微笑用英语怎么说If you together with me everything.All of your days will be bright as the sun. 状语从句造句1.As soon as I get up,I ____________.2.While I was going to school yesterday,I __________.3.Before I go to bed,I _________________.4._____________ until eleven o'clock last night. 用while造句,要条件,时间,地点,让步,原因,结果,方式状语从句各一句 当after译为表示时间的时候该怎样理解?和In区别?如果我用after来造一般将来时的句子,例如:在我做好我的作业后,我会出去玩(两个动作都没有做),那应当如何? after和in表示“一段时间”的不同 表示时间的介词in与after的区别 表示时间在.之后时 in和after有什么区别 we'll go for a walk if is fine tomorrow,哪部分是主句,怎么看出那有这种说法吗?主句一般现在时表示一般将来时