
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:45:05
英语翻译RT最好把英语的一并翻了 关于黑格尔的一段话请问有谁知道“最大的天才尽管朝朝暮暮躺在青草地上,让微风吹来,仰望天空,温柔的灵感也不会关注他.”接下来的一整段话是什么吗?能不能给出更多的内容? 寻黑格尔的一段话“最大的天才……单凭要创作的意愿召唤不来灵感,谁要胸中本没有……”很长的一段话,帮忙找找,谢谢!不是第一个答案,下面这句是这段话的开头,除此之外还有很长一段 英语翻译其实我是想查英文原文是怎样的。 1+1等于几别告诉我你不知道 It _____ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks___I found we had a lot in common.第一空A.was until B.wasn't until第二空A.when B.that并说明原因谢谢 It was ____ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks that I found we had a lot in common.until/not until not until ( ) stayed together for a couple of weeks ( ) we had a lot in common.A.we had,did I...not until ( ) stayed together for a couple of weeks ( ) we had a lot in common.A.we had,did I find B.had we,I found C.we had,I found D.had we,did I find 1+1=几?告诉我下 I hadnot find we had a lot in common until we stayed together for a couple ..用Not until 改写 是《候鸟,不仅仅是风景》,不是《候鸟的迁飞》. 候鸟不仅仅是风景你是怎样理解文章最后一段中但是我们不可替代的精神源泉这句 想在湖边放置一艘可以远眺整个湖面以及候鸟的景观船,这个该怎么设计和固定放置比较妥当? 候鸟怎么样 请问be taken as be taken for 有什么区别?谢谢! be held 与be taken place的区别被动语态时,有什么区别? be taken和be caught被抓到警察局是用哪个?为什么? Study on the Product Placement of film and television in the background of popular entertainment这里的film and television的单复数什么的有错吗?怎么改? Time has proved everything,and I gained...No pains,no gains?My God!I am really fucking crazy! 哪种动物是属于候鸟? 候鸟南方排成行春播种种全靠它是什么动物? 侯鸟南飞,排成行,三五有运,九独行 是什么动物?猜一动物 最迟3月5日中午12点 以My dream profession为题写一篇60词 初二的 where is the boy in in white? You are my love storys.I always love you!You are my love storys.I always love you! have got 与 have 何时可以替换?新概念习题.新概念二第18课课后习题 书本第82页.C In which of these sentences can we put the verb got after have?He had a drink before dinner.2 Mrs.Sullivan has a lot of money.3 He had to leave ear 新概念75课中的句子 We don't have any now问一下这个句子是不是现在进行时呢?如果是,为什么have 不是ing形式呢? 有谁帮忙解答一下,谢谢! 用have的正确形式填空 急用!新概念第一册77课词汇练习1.Helen ____ mumps three weeks ago.She is better now.2.He ____ a bad headachem,so he took an aspirin.3.She ____ a flat in the city and a house in the country.4.Where did you ____ Ww should care for the e___ around us.首字母填词 he has gone for two years .改错题 英语翻译1根 阿尔 卑斯根棒棒糖代表——我的心中只有你ONLY YOU!2根棒棒糖代表——这给世界只有我们俩!3根棒棒糖代表——我爱你ILOVE YOU 4根棒棒糖代表——至死不渝!5根棒棒糖代表——由衷 根据句意及首字母提示 补全单词完成句子 l helped my friend Bill find hie 【m 】 They are happy急 七点半前