
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 03:07:41
her eyes are f of treas ,so leave her alone "You can't leave her alone"这个句子应该是对的吧? 21122—everything in your essay should be relevant to the topic at hand.3725 想问:1—topic at ha21122—everything in your essay should be relevant to the topic at hand.3725想问:1—topic at hand:怎么翻译?2—relevant to:怎么翻 everything in your essay should be relevant to the topic at hand. 求预备党员总结 she和her都表示女孩,那么分别在什么情况下用哪一个 i ‘l l give it to her.he is in a black cap.she is tall like you,连读符号应该标在哪里 帮我看看这个句子的语法错误呗.I wast a day time on watched novel yesterday.Today i must finsh my assignment before watch novel and movie. 预备党员 怎样自我总结 Default size screen is 20’wide x 15’ tall Front Projection Video Screen是什么意思 Default size screen is 20’wide x 15’ tall Front Projection Video Screen什么意思 Her shelf is beside the big closet? i asked her to do me a favour____A didn't iB didn't sheC did iD did she 我问过我自己,我是否还爱她,用英文I asked myself if still love her? i asked her( ) the next yearAwhat she was going to doBwhat was she going to doCshe was going to do whatDshe was going to do I asked her where__________.A.she had goneB.she had beenC.she has goneD.she went to (请说明原因) Most giant pandas weigh (from 80 to 125 kilos)(对括号内部分提问)------------ ------------- do most giant pandas weigh? 五年级第二学期的谢谢 Flowers, from the most exotic to the most perfumistic~~这句话怎么翻译呢 用incorpaorate...into完成:they____(把他的建议包括在.中)her plans. 大家帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误I believe we can benefit more from tourism and tourists will be more enjoyed it. 步步高9388外语通适合成年人用吗 Water floated comfortably in the cloud _____the cloud dropped it into a steam.A.while B.as soon as C.because D.though(答案选B,为什么不选A?) I think he is behind bars now.(改为否定句) behind bars 用作动词要加be吗?如题.同志们~那到底要不要加be.. 假设二维数组a定义为float a [3][4],下列对数组第二行第二列元素引用方法中,错误的是A *(a[0]+5) B a[2][2] C a[1][1] D *(a[1]+1) 已知数组有如下定义float a[] = {3,0,4.5,7.8};则数组a所占存储空间大小为 . 在下列括号内补上省略的内容,选自鲁人执竿()横执之,()亦不可入()俄有老父至,()曰:……()遂依()而截之回答的要完整!如下(xx)横执之,(xx)亦不可入(xx) 将下列对话中省略的内容补写在括号内选自《聊斋志异》卷六 《山市》把下列这段对话中省略的内容补写在括号内.孙公子禹年同人饮( )楼上,( )忽见山头有孤塔耸起,( )高插青 在下列括号中补上省略的内容1、( )横执之,( )亦不可入( ) 2、俄有老夫至,( )曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣,何不以锯中截而人.”( )遂依( )而截之. 在括号内补出文中省略的内容楚人贫居,读《淮南子》②,得螳螂伺蝉自障叶③,可以隐形.遂于树下 仰取叶—螳螂执叶伺蝉—以摘之,叶落树下.树下先有落叶,不能复分别,扫取数斗归,一 一以叶 The farmer came to draw up a pail of water and saved the puppy