
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 20:41:01
诺△ABC中,若AD=CD=BD,∠A=26度,则∠BCD=? #includeclass vehicle{private:float weight;int wheels;public:vehicle(int in_wheels,float in_weight){wheels=in_wheels;weight=in_weight;}int get_wheels(){return wheels;}float get_weight(){return weight;}};class car:public vehicle{private:int passenger_ 英语情侣网名带翻译,我叫思,他叫天,最好能包含我们的名字. 最美的东西叫什么? i do so so i do so do i 这三个有什么区别啊? He don\'t like this pair 这个句子怎么翻译 将以下句子改写成被动语态Hotel manager:“ I'm sorry. We don't allow pets here.” 请把这七个句子改写成被动语态 把下列句子改写成被动语态1.Where did she make them?__________________________________2.Whose ruler did you borrow?__________________________________3.We must tie the young tree to the stick.________________________________4.They can't mend 汉谟拉比石柱有何价值这一文物有何价值 终南望余雪 诗歌主旨 蛇为什么会随着音乐起舞呢? 今天在书上看到了一个句子,貌似是改过的:要知道众里寻你千百度,却不在灯火阑珊处. 为什么蛇会随着音乐而起舞 为什么蛇会闻歌起舞? 将下列句子改写成被动语态,1,Tom spoilt the milk just now.2,Kate repaired her car in her garage yesterday.3,My mother keeps the pictures in the drawer.4,Father usually reads newspapers after dinner.5,A bad man followed me in the street at n 用被动语态改写下列句子People usually post Christmas cards in December____________________________________People use computer to search for information____________________________________Cleaners collect rubbish every morning_______________ 把下列句子改写为被动语态1.You must play attention to your Spelling when you write your homework.2.He has finished his homework.3.He had hung his coat on the wall before his wife came into the room. Susan _can not have_written a report like this.翻译 关键点 为什么这样填? This report says that bears like to__in the daytime Susan can have written a report为什么不用ought to not have 哪里有财经应用文的教学视频? 财经应用文遇到一道题, 按照公文格式及写作要求,指出下文存在的问题,并修改 内容上:1、 2、 形式上:1、 2、 修改: 财经应用文常用的五十个词汇. 中国哪儿是最好的观星点?看星星 请问上海浦东有没有什么不错的观星地点?我家附近还算满清静的,但天空仍然是橙色的.我想到一个能看见几百颗星星和几十个星座的地方,请知道的朋友告知一下! 观星比较适宜的时间是A、农历初一到初七 B、农历十五 C、农历二十三到三十 汉谟拉比之后的巴比伦王是谁 我要面见汉谟拉比,我该怎么样才能回到巴比伦王国? 古巴比伦国王汉谟拉比定都在哪里 古巴比伦被汉谟拉比统一时,中国是什么朝代 英语作文我喜欢跳舞