
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:53:10
There are two huge trees in front of the building.They are standing there for almost fifty years.这里面后半句为什么用现在进行时呢,而不是现在完成时呢? 笼子里有若干只鸡和兔,从上面数有9个头,从下面数有24条腿,鸡和兔子各多少只 Liu Xiang is an olympic winner in the ____ hurdles(跨栏).We're proud of him.A.110-metreB.110-metresC.110 metreD.110 metres 什么叫“和尚摸得我摸不得”什么含义? Liu Xiang is an Olympic winner in the ___ hurdles .We are proud of him.A.110-metre B.110-metresC.110 metre D.110 metres 庸人方自扰什么意思 和尚头上的点有多少个,有什么意义?和尚头上的点好像有见过6个的9个的12个的?它们有什么意义?最少 或 最多 可以有多少个?比如6个到12个是等级的像征吗?多与少有什么区别? "Liu Xiang,21,is an Olympic winner in the___hurdles.we're proud of him.Liu Xiang,21,is an Olympic winner in the___hurdles.we're proud of him.A、110-metre B、110 metres' Liu xiang,211,is an olympic winner in the () hundles.we're proud of him.A.110-metresB.110 metresC.111 metre D.111-metres不小心打错了110-metre 高二英语的几个从句如何判断?急求!谢谢!望详细易懂,会另加分,谢谢! 1.I remember ___ this used to be a quite village A.when B.how C.where D.which2.Go and get your coat.It is ___you left it.A.where B.there C.there where D.where there最好顺便说下为什么, 从句练习题1Mary is no longer the girl __ she used to be.这个为定语从句答案是that 但我觉得也可以填whom请问是否正确2.Mary is no longer ____ she used to be这个宾语从句为啥要填what g/cm²什么意思 cm³什么单位 no more的位置不是放在实义动词之前,助动词,be动词之后吗?I shall go there no more!这里的no more为什么放在后面 There are many hills in the mountain.这是个正确的句子吗? The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,( )that he had enjoyed his stay here.1.having written 2.to be written 3.being written 4.written原因写详细点(有什么语法或词组之类的),劳驾各位了.我还有很多 the visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks that he had enjoyed histhe visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks that he had enjoyed his stay here 1having added 2to add 3 adding 4 added 单项选择The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,___ that he had enjo...单项选择The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,___ that he had enjoyed his stay here.选项A:Had added B:to add C:adding D 自仲尼不能与齐优遂容於鲁 这句话出于史记中的乐书第二,请进行翻译和解释 The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks ,__that he had enjoyed his stay herA having added B to add C adding D added 用O或B开头的英文单词(在教室里能找到的.) 教室里以B开头的单词有哪些(6个) 帮我接一下这几道题(要过程)17.5x+15x+32.5=6517.5x+15x-32.5=65方程组{x+Y=2(Y-9) {Y+9=x-9还有道应用题轮船沿江从A港顺流行驶到B港,比从B港返回A港少用3H,若船在静水中的速度为26km/h,则A港和B港相 Amy follows the traffice 张国荣的的中文意思好象只有日本版的<红>这张专辑里才有的这首歌,名字是这个,我不知道是哥哥翻唱的,还是又另外作的词,所以,我很想知道整首歌的中文意思. 放在不同语境有不同意思的英语动词 liegen bei算固定搭配吗?今天最高温度达35度可以用Heute liegt die hoechste Temperatur bei 35 Grad吗? 请问德语动词+O是什么意思?比如liegen+O. 11.They're ____________ in talks with the Irish government.They're ____________ in talks with the Irish government.B.occupied D.idle E.buried G.employed12.A number of people have been ____________ to deal with the backlog of workC.busy F.absorbed G.e the style with which they carried themselves的with能不能提到the style前? 三角形的重心,中心,外心,内心,垂心分别是怎么定义的?与三角形什么线有关?