
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 09:48:08
cost take spend 等词的区别 take spend cost 英文句号后是应该空一格还是空两格? 请问英文句号后是应该空一格还是空两格? The people are waiting _____ the bus,and they ate standing_____ line. People___(stand)in line.They___(hurry) home. 当“花费金钱”讲时,cost 和take 的用法区别我知道take 的用法一般是it作形式主语,后面跟不定式.cost一般指sth cost sb some money.还有其他区别吗? spend,pay,cost,take当花费讲时,他们的结构? 我国国歌的由来 国歌的由来 国歌的由来简介 一个英语句子怎么判断成分完整 物体光亮而透明,是什么词语 光亮而透明,找出相应的词语 词语;黝黑发亮什么?意思 In Russia people should when they meet for the first time 根据意思写词语:( )光亮而透明 ( )形容刮风下雨 ( )喧闹沸腾 People in different countries have different customs when they meet for the first time.麻烦帮忙写一篇初三水平的文章,我们这个单元学的是You're supposed to shake hands.不是要翻译,是要写作文 英语选择主题句可以不到句号吗我的意思是,不是从句号到句号,而是从句号到逗号或从逗号到句号也可以吗 He usually cooks nice food ()I and my mother.是填for 还是to顺便教下他们的区别 cooks nice food 的意思 求解第2题,要完整切的过程 有一块月牙形面包,只用2刀切成6块,怎么切?幼儿园学生的题目 怎么样切苹果?如题 谢谢了 the same……as,the same……that ,such……as 三者之间的区别the same……as,the same……that ,such……as 三者之间究竟有什么区别啊?我需要两两对比的释义,几本语法书上对它们的解释有出入, 关於such~as以及the same as/that 单复数的型态问题会的在帮回答感谢1.such~as例题I have never seen such a man as he is.后面如果更改such men复数型态这样是否跟原义相同呢?还有后面的as跟的名词一定限定要 the same...as,the same ...that,such .as定语从句有何区别?如:1.This is the same pen as I lost last week.2.This is the same pen that I lost last week.3.This is such a pen as I lost last week.句1意为这和我上周掉的那支笔一样,句2 关于改革开放30周年,建国60周年的作文!800字左右我要一篇800字左右的作文,较好一点的, 新中国建国六十年的论文!800字!怎麽写?救命啊 求几篇以“建国六十周年”为题的作文 800字 请教这句英语句法的分析The most valuable find of all was the ship's log book,parts of which it was still possible to read.出自新概念第三册32课.我的问题是:逗号后边的这个分句,怎么会还有个it呢,感觉不太对劲 This is Mr smith.his wife is 1___ smith.they2____two children,a boy and a girl.Jack is their3____and Rose is their4____,Jack is 5____brother and Rose is Jacks6____.Mr smith is Jack and 7____father and his wife is their8____.they like their children v