
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:39:22
一道英语填空题不会?Mary often p____ running in the morning.She will take part in a race . 我有一道英语填空题不会做I usually come here ___half past fiveI want ____watch the football gameIt'stime to get____,Mike.be quick 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.Could you please _______(sweep) the floor?2.The have to _______(get) home to do their home-work.3.You need _______(have) a rest.4.Don't frget _______(buy) some books for me.5.Please help me _______(make) d 求多控开关电路图三个开关控制一个灯的电路图 请问,西南大学和西南交通大学 英语有没有要求,是多少分?急···我马上填志愿了需要各位大哥哥大姐姐的建议 木偶的英文是什么 简答的英语填空题.用将来时态.Next day ,she ___ ___to the Great Wall.She thinks she___ ___brave enough to climb it because it is the symbol of China. 木偶用英语怎么读 回答一道英语填空题,现在开始等待高手光临艾滋病是一种严重的疾病.AIDS is a ______ ______ _______ _______.最好根据初二下册知识回答,在我的课本里,“严重的疾病”表达为serious illness,可是这里有 --------people will go to shanghai during the 2010 World Expoa.million b.millions c.millions of d.million of 给我一个木偶的英语咋写的呀 几道英语填空题,有些我做了,但不知对否?没做的帮我提示一下,1、The prisoner ___escaped from the police without any difficulty__(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).2、Have you seen the new ______________________(零 拜托赶快解释几道简单的英语填空题1.Suppose you are in (the) position of an architect.What would you do when (a) worker breaks the rule in your company2.The fantastic driver was at (a) loss when (不填) word came that he was forbidden 英语填空题,说明理由She not only sings;she plays the piano( ).刚才我看见他们正在操场上打篮球.I ( ) basketball. 英语填空题.说明为什么.1.tim usually plays football wih his friends —— Saturday.A、in B、on C、at 2、Look,there is——old man others in the race.A、a B、an C、some3、Our ——desks are over there.A、teacher B、teacher’s C Shanghai is now hosting the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never bee求翻译Shanghai is now hosting the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in developing countries.So the 2010 Wo China will host its ___ Expo in Shanghai.(possible) china will host itd_Expo in shanghai.(possible) These are t books.这是根据首字母填单词的一道题 Shanghai World Expo will open ____a____time.A.in,year's B.in,years' C.after,year's请说清理由.为什么不选C? 63.The food in this restaurant is very nice.________,the price is not high.A.in addition B.as well as C.besides D.except64.Please hang the map a little higher,so that every student in the classroom can see it clearly.The underlined world means “___ will visiting the world Expo in shanghai this summer”英文对话别太短 号:21 题型:单选题 本题分数:2内容:Let’s hang up some paintings on these ___ walls.选项:a、a.bare b、 b.empty c、 c.blank d、 d.vacant--------------------------------------------------------------------------------号:22 题型:单 几道初一简单英语填空题 快This new play is a (m )of sadness and humorThat old man died in a car (a )two days agoLast week Michelle went to visit one of her (r )首字母已给出 英语问题21 英语 21.22题 20 21 The world expo will be held in shanghai in 2010翻译 Next year the people of shanghai will invite the word to visit the city d_ the 2010 world expo.首字母填空 polyester 面料与cotton面料比哪个好一些 crinkle cotton voile是什么面料啊 strech cotton 什么面料客人询价,面料为stech cotton,请教达人是什么面料?