
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 10:50:34
质量为3m的机车,其速度为v0,在与质量为2m的静止车厢碰挂在一起时运动速度为( )A 2 v0/5 B 3 v0/5 C 2 v0/3 D v0说理由 三个质量分别为m,2m,3m的物体,运动的动能相等,当它们受到大小相同的制动力时,它们的制动距离比是? 怎样从空气中提取氧气? 怎么从空气里提取氧气 most of the children 与most of children 的意思和区别 空气中的氧气如何提取可以自制的 the majority of和the most of 区别 如何用最简单的方法从空气中抽取氧气? Look at the pictures of t 翻译成汉语 please look at the pictures on the wall中文意思. 1.用一根绳子测量井深,如果把绳子折成三股量高出井口3米,如果把绳子折成四股量,低于井口1米,球求井深和绳长.尽量不要用方程, Circle the number of correctly words.Correct the wrong words 一个车队以每分钟4米的速度通过一座长200米的大桥,共用了一又十二分之十一分钟.已知每辆车长5米,两车间隔10米.这个车队共有多少辆车?是“每秒钟4米”!打错了! circle the number of correctly matched word.correct the wrong words 的翻译!不要用电脑!谢谢o(∩_∩ with the correct He read the letter carefully in order that he should not miss a word这句话是虚拟语气,他虚拟在哪里啊,那句话虚拟了, read and draw the missing 甲乙两人在400米的环形跑道上跑步,两人朝相反方向跑两人第一次和第二次相遇间隔40秒,已知甲每秒跑6米乙每秒跑多少米?(要有分步算式)急! Most of the students (在计算机课上很愉快)翻译 甲乙两地相距2千米,A.B两人分别骑自行车同时从甲乙两地出发相向而行,俩人行使速度都是20Km/H.假如有一...甲乙两地相距2千米,A.B两人分别骑自行车同时从甲乙两地出发相向而行,俩人行使速度 A、B两地相距20km,甲、乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发相向而行A.B两地相距20km,甲乙两人分别从A.B两地同时相向而行,2小时后在途中相遇,然后甲返回A地,乙仍继续前进,当甲到A地时,乙离A地还有2k A.B两地相距20Km,甲乙两人分别从A、B两地相向而行,已知甲速度每小时行3Km.乙速度每小时2Km,而甲出发时带了一只狗,狗以每小时5千米的速度与甲同时同向而行,在遇到乙后,又立即返回,如此不断 六年级数学题,求圆柱的体积,帮忙,速度!有奖赏将下图的长方形小旗绕旗杆一周,可以形成一个圆柱.这个圆柱的体积是多少立方厘米?正方形的高:4cm正方形的长:10cm写原因 Miss Blare asked ne to write _____report of the meetingA a 800 words B an 800-words C a 800-word D an 800-word Miss Wang asked the students to write a 400-word _ about Autumn The teacher told us to write ______ composition A a-800-word B a 800-words C an 800-wordD an 800-words Correct the mistakes in the sentences(1) He send not the email to me.(2) I did not receive his phone call yet.(3) I think this is not a good idea.(4) Ordinarily we deliver the goods by the sea.(5) Our products are sell to all over the wo Correct mistakes in the following sentences.1.Many years ago.Jim had lived in Paris with his uncle for along time.2.By seven o'clock yesterday.we arrived at the airport.3.Gina is in college for one year.4.So far they already got six traveler's checks Circle the nouns in the sentences.Then write them in the correct boxes.的中文意思 most students most of the students有个选择题大致是这样的" when asked what they would like to have as their feature job,( )would reply that they like~"选项有 most students ,most of the students,和most the students 应该选哪一个呢 most of the students 这里可不可以不用 the 为什么?most students 等同于 most of the students ,定冠词在这里是怎样的用法? 除了从空气中获得氧气,还能用哪些方法获得氧气?市场上有一种叫“氧立得”的装置,它是怎样产生氧气的?