
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:15:57
填空:John is my oldest friend.We met each other when I began the ( )grade in the primary school. when I was in Grade Eight I realized the答案(important)of English 1、When I was in___grade,I joined a piano competition.A.six B.the sixth C.sixth D.a six2、It was___day of my life.A.happy B.a happy C.the happiest D.happiest3、Tom had atraffic accident yesterday.(改为同义句)A traffic accident___ ___Tom yes 有关长元音【a:】在单词中的发音怎么听star,start,还有car,heart时,感觉【a:】发音就不像在grass里的一样呢?不像是真正的“啊”那种音,带有点儿化的感觉.虽然kk音标里有【ar】这个音~dj音标 所有短元音的发音单词每个2个 左右 长期学习英语要背哪本词汇四六级、考研都过了,求推荐新词汇:专八、托福、雅思、GRE等等,哪个好呢,要有用的,听说GRE很多没有的. 学英语第一步是不是要把所有的单词背会了? 半元音/j/和元音/i/发音有何区别? 学英语,掌握了单词,那么要怎样把它凑成句子呢?我最近在自己学英语,单词到是掌握了不少,但还是不知道怎么运用,谁可以教教我, 与字母F元音读音相同的字母有哪些?不用音标,要二十六个字母里的. 20个元音音素在单词中的发音字母 小孩学英语,怎么才能记得住那么多单词,总是分不清楚很多相近的词,而且教的时候会,过后就不会了,能读但是不会写,怎么办? 英语翻译其中的drew怎么解释? 英语翻译2.at last they find that it is too much for them to pay翻译3.当然,他不得不按时归还银行这笔钱(汉译英) there is much more to math than just learning to add and subtract numbers怎么翻译 there is much more to a cartoon film than drawings 怎么翻译 翻译:there's not much more i can say to assure you There is,however,much more to a desert than sand对于沙漠 含义远不止与沙子 那是意味着什么?沙漠有很多沙子?还是什么其他意思?3Q!我那份试卷暂时交了上去 等发下来我把选项说下 翻译:A person's example is much more powerful than just his words. Organic vegetables are said to be more nutritous,_______to eat and they usually taste better.A.more delicious B.healthy C.good D.safer more taste,less 一个牛奶广告里的标语`` 高中的英语句子是怎样翻译的?词语的位置怎样放?英语句子怎样翻译?谢谢啦! These moon cakes taste delicious还是awful.Only a few people want to have more. 这几行英语说的是什么含义?This message is generated by COREMAIL email system.I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returnedhanzhixiu@21cn.com SMTP error,DOT:553 Mail data refused by AISP,rule [6535799]. 英语翻译Anything we’re trying to make happen as a leader involves other people,and the fact is,most people don’t have to follow us. 为什么一篇英语文章几乎所有单词都认识可就是不明白其意思也翻译不明清楚?:-) 英语翻译The getaddrinfo(3) function creates a linked list of addrinfo structures,one for each network address subject to any restrictions imposed by the hints parameter. Would you like to have a taste of this bread It’sdelicious!No more food please.I--enough.A have had B will have C had D am having 英语翻译flames of rain这个词怎麼翻译比较好 英语翻译拜托百度知道的,GOOGLE的就不必浪费时间贴答案了.Player is the only golfer ever to have completed a career Grandslam in the majors on both the regular and senior toursPlayer claims to have a resting heart rate of 52Player If you put a little more salt in this soup,it will be ()(taste),I think 词形变化. 英语翻译hi,tks for your photo although it is not that clear,u may send message to my cell at xxxx for continuing our yuan fen.