
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:02:08
填空 We have packed our bags and they have packed ___________ too.Can I borrow your umbrella?I have left ___________ at home.\x05Peter and Jane have both got new shoes.I like his more than ___________ . 英语翻译今晚有我男朋友跟我 说了一句话,只是口头表述,具体还不清楚什么意思,麻烦各位帮忙翻译下(原句不太清楚,)you are my ture ,you are my orange.(原句可能不是这样,但发音相似,)或许单词 什么是昼线、夜线、昼弧、夜弧? 如何备考BEC中级 首先因为晨昏线将纬线圈分成昼弧夜弧,而昼弧越长则白天越长,那么这个越长是相对于同一根纬线而言?相当于夜弧而言?因为纬线圈可以说越往两极就越短,但是并不是说那样白天黑夜同时都 安装系统出现No driver assigned.SHSUCDX can`t install怎么办如题——在线急等主板是精英p965 a 别发以前的答案来复制~那个我自己会看~我想要的具体的操作步骤谢谢 我没找到你说的SATA MODE 系统不是 与 只要有付出,一定有回报 相同意思的句子 你的同桌对你文具盒的文具用品充满了好奇,但不知用英语怎么表达,提出了很多问题.根据情景,编一段对话.(共要编6句)(要用英语说哟) 现在备考BEC来得及嘛?这个学期课很多准备考五月的BEC 准备每天3个小时来看BECBEC V六级过了 发现BEC V 的听力有难度 在打退堂鼓 想考12月份的BEC V就高人给点意见 下课了,你不小心把同桌的文具盒碰到地上了,同桌见了,非常生气地说了你,这是你该怎么办? 11月中旬的BEC高级 今天刚开始做阅读题,正确率刚过一半, Install shortcuts for current user only的意思 hi,luck,you look tired.l'm really tired,because l( )the liveing room all day.a.paintedb.had painted c.have been painted d.have been painting 为什么做饭时间保险丝会断某居民楼经常在做饭时间保险丝熔断,这一般是由于?造成的。可以说是电流太大吗? 关于保险丝与浓盐酸反应的问题将保险丝放入浓盐酸中,便渐渐有气泡产生,随后气泡增多,反应结束时仍有相当一部分的保险丝未溶解.将溶液稀释后有白色沉淀产生.请问这时怎么回事?白色沉 I am rather tired ,wil youtake the wheel The film had a rather tired plot为什么这句话中tired而不是tiring The work is very interesting.i do get rather tired.这句是说这个工作很有趣虽然让我...The work is very interesting.i do get rather tired.这句是说这个工作很有趣虽然让我很累.还是这个工作有趣,但是让我太累了? James was only weak in English,so his mother sent him to the English class.James got good grades because of his good momory.If he heard any passage once,he could read and put it into Chinese.However,he could not make his own sentences.And his face us James was only weak in English,so his mother sent him to the English class.James got good grades because of his good momory.If he heard any passage once,he could read and put it into Chinese.However,he could not make his own sentences.And his face us James was only weak in English,so his mother sent him to the English class.James got good grades because of his good momory.If he heard any passage once,he could read and put it into Chinese.However,he could not make his own sentences.And his face us 英语翻译“Students’ Final Exam Results of the first semester of 2008 Fall academic year ”可以不?2009年上期期末学生成绩单可以翻译成“Students’ Final Exam Results of the second semester of 2008 Fall academic year in 2009 理科很烂,思维不太灵敏学商务英语困难吗?(请学商务英语的人帮忙解答!) 请问哪个字典上可以查到这个字?请问“木”字边加一个“强”字怎么念?在哪个字典上可以查到这个字的? “口者”这个字怎么打不出来?字典也查不到?没有这个字吗?“口者”因为打不出来所以我分开两个字来打,其实应该是一个字吧~我在一些商品上都看到,但是怎么打不出来而且新华字典里也查 “平时成绩”的英文怎么说? 这个字怎么在字典上查?3Q五笔也不知道怎么打,也不知道怎么读,医学上药名.左边是"颈"的左边,右边是"流"的右边,药名叫“他巴唑”的,甲__咪唑片.字典也差不出来, What is in the village的中文 翻译:where is the what if the what is in why 英语翻译刻在项链坠子上的,看不清楚,有断断续续,但并不深奥,就是偶英文太菜了,看不来:i bless ne day i found you i want to stay aroun you and so begyou let it beme大概就是这样,半猜的,有漏的,也有可能n 英语翻译xiexie neighbor是可数吗