
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:35:18
All tree—————— A turn green B is green C turning green D get green我想问下 为什么不是C 说树正在变绿?那为什么D 也不行? 根据首字母提示补全单词.I e- rice every day. He playing the piao every day.(He后面是什么单词?首字母为p) 核舟记的哪些方面体现核舟的“奇巧”工艺 Mrs.Li devoted the last years of her life primarily ____ writing her autobiography (自传).选项:a、tob、onc、ford、in Mrs.Li devoted the last years of her life premarily___writing her autobiography(自传)A:to B:on C:for D:in 八字各个干支之间是怎么作用的八字之间是怎么作用的,有的说各个干支对日干都有生克作用,有的说,天干和天干可以直接发生生克关系,同柱之间可以发生生克关系,除了日支外其他的地支不 关于chinglish急求相关文章一篇.要求英文! 什么是Chinglish的定义?I want English answer!Thank you! 孔子第80代嫡长孙体内的遗传物质能确定是从孔子身上传承下来的是Y染色体,理由是什么 核舟记中的奇巧是什么意思 It's the first time for me to eat the sweet potato p_____ in this way. 奈何桥下的莲花,见证了谁与谁的两世繁华?这个问题有意思,看谁的回答能让我满意、 奈何桥下的莲花.见证叻谁与谁的两世繁华“叻”这个字是不是是打错了?这句话中到底应不应该有这个字? No dish ------ all tastes.(填什么) 提示:fit,suit,match Bathing suit top and all.这句话中文? 府君,县君,郡君哪一个比较大?看到唐代开元时期的书里经常出现××府君、××县君、××郡君,不知道哪个的身份比较高, 君肝的君怎么打?是哪个郡? 夫商君为孝公平权衡 ,正度量,调轻重,决裂阡陌,教民耕战,是以兵动而地广,民休而国富,故秦无敌于天下平权衡 ,正度量,调轻重,决裂阡陌 各指什么?教民耕战 的具体措施有哪些?作用是什么? 仓鼠的智商在动物界中算高吗? 英语翻译 pockets什么意思 为什么背完英语语法还是不会做题我现在是高一放暑假了,打算着重夯实英语.我的英语水平一般,我感觉很多同学都和我一样做语法是在凭感觉,没依据.但我发现我将老师记得详详细细的笔记 英语语法怎么学才不会乱?比如我今天学非谓语动词的题目,它里面既然涉及到名词性从句的相关内容,可是我名词性从句还没开始学,这到题我就不会了.学语法最好的顺序是先学什么再学什么 我是一名准高二生,基础还可以,英语语法理论知识能看懂,但为什么一做题就不会了?有什么方法是不用学语法而又能提高英语成绩的呢? The students also _______ at the party,(said,spoke,told,talked) 英语翻译“She’s a child,” she told my father.“She’s not any older than seventeen,not possibly.She wears glasses.She’s very thin.She’s not an idiot,that’s not why they were getting rid of her,but she is mentally deranged[p1] ,maybe, I often hear my students ______ why they should also think about taking other subjet.A、 to ask B、asked C、 ask D、have asked 英语翻译When I was a little girl,I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers.It was years later that I finally understood what role modeling palyed in your life.Little did I know you were saving every penny you earned to 英语翻译要这一句的翻译 I think students won't need d( ) in the future. They can look up works on computers. 英语翻译When I opened the first “The Body Shop” in 1976,what I wanted to do was to make enough money to feed my children .Today “ The Body Shop” has been a great company that is growing fast ,and it has many branches all around the world