
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:04:53
我敢保证,今年学校运动会我们班可能得冠军(修改病句) 找一首英文歌,我有开头的一段是英文的.求歌名~开头一段是自己做的,唯一记得的旋律找这歌近一年了. 生长素实验中没有生长素植物会生长么,高浓度时呢书上说不会生长,可是生长素低浓度促进生长高浓度抑制生长.抑制生长时还会生长么? 生长素反而会抑制植物生长? 和YOU are welcome!是同义句的句子五个就行,汉语也标注一下.谢了! 修改病句:参加这次田运会的有工人、农民、解放军战士、青年、妇女和学生 哪里错了? you are welcome的同义句 Good-bye的同义句和You're welcome的同义句. You are welcome!的同义句 You are welcome 的四个同义句要四个 成语对对子、井然有序(杂( )无( ))指鹿为马(点( )成( ))固诺金汤(( )如 ( )卵)流芳百世(( )( )万年)雪中送煤(锦( )添( ))邻牙利齿(( )嘴( )舍)精 求芽的结构图 枝芽的结构 在芽的结构中,属于分生组织的是A生长点 B芽原基C叶原基 D幼芽 用英文解释句子:he led them to their room 芽叶结构 He said that he forgot both of the(room number)为什么选room numberA roomes numberB roome's numberC room numberD room numbers both of them both them both of their parents both their parents 的区别? There are twenty socks in a room .Ten of them are red ,ten of them are green.You are in the roomYou want to get a pair of sock ,but it i dark ,you can't see the colours,How many socks must you take to be sure of getting a pair of socks the same color 固诺金汤和雪中送炭的近义词分别是什么? 木耳 怎么种? 怎样让植物的根充分利用花盆里的空间长壮长密,让植物长大长好? 爸爸我想对你说 书信格式 800字 爸爸我想对你说600字 爸爸 我想对你说 600字我12岁 3点之前给我吧 现在分词是什么意思, 那begin, lie , fiy 现在分词是什么 stand 、water、see、move、begin、shop、get、put、cut写出动词的现在分词还有一个:close 理直气壮 以德报怨 从容不迫 救死扶伤 固诺金汤 神采奕奕 千变万化 口若悬河意思相反的成语 英语翻译 1,( )students can understand this passage as it is too difficult.A.A few B.Fewer C.Less D.Few2,Yesterday I wore black shoes( )brown ones.A.rather than B.instead than C.rather in D.instead from3,it is ( )that Anna is now in charge of the company.A 1,( )students can understand this passage as it is too difficult.A.A few B.Fewer C.Less D.Few2,Yesterday I wore black shoes( )brown ones.A.rather than B.instead than C.rather in D.instead from3,it is ( )that Anna is now in charge of the company.A 这套英语题谁会做?急需正确答案一、连线1 between 键盘2 thunder shower 空中小姐3 hard working 大衣柜4 employee 勤奋