
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 07:39:25
1.where did you just now?2.would you like to help me?yes,I'd like to. 莲花的品质是什么 歌曲最后是you dont know you beautiful 男生唱的 貌似是个组合· 适合小学5年级看的英语原版动画片,不要太长,半个小时差不多吧是个女孩子~ 英语原版电影或动画片有哪些 英语翻译You never know until you try;and you never try unless you really try.you give it your best shot;you do the best you can.and if you've done everythingin your power,and still "fail"-the truth of the matter is that you haven't failed at all. You never know how strong you are eyou have. 荷花有什么特征 还记得校园一年四季的不同景色吗?选一个校园一个季节的景色写下来.(下面的词语供选用)春意盎然 破土而出 烈日当空 追逐嬉戏 郁郁葱葱 秋风送爽 寒风凛冽 阳光明媚(150~200字) "已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏"这两句词描写的是什么季节的景色 根据上下文完成对话:A:Can I help you?B:Yes,I'd like some peaches.A:Can I help you?B:Yes,I'd like some peaches.A:How many kilos?B:Two.A:Is that___?B:No,I need some milk.A:How about this___?B:OK.How much are these___?A:Twenty yu Can I help you?---Yes,I'd like five _____ and some peas.A.potato B.tomatoes C.meat D.banana 求一部英文电影中的语句摘抄希望是一部,只需3--5句. 英语电影句子摘抄急 you never know until you try; and you never try unless you really try.这个是高一,还是初一学过的诗呢 英文翻译,哪位朋友帮个忙啊1.AppointmentParty A & party B hereby appoint Party C as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the products stipulated in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and Party C accepts 写出“微风”这类词前面带点的字都是用来形容后面的那个字.越多越好 有什么好看的电影~要英文字幕英文发音的可以一边看好的电影一边复习下英语~要适合青少年观看的哦~其实只要不是情色的都可以~哈里1~5都看过了~ 微风中燕子自由自在地飞来飞去 用什么诗句来形容 寻找以下全英文电影(要有英文字幕)对不起,我可能没说清楚,我想找看这些电影中任意一部的网址 寻找英文字幕,英文对话的电影 求电影 英语 有英文字幕英语 有英文字幕, 找最标准英语发音的电影,要有英文字幕,越多越好 描述自然景观的词语,如飗飗(形容微风吹动的样子) 新标准初三下册英语翻译904511405@163.com 选择:Can I help you?( )A.OK,I'll take it.B.That's good.C.Thank.D.Yes,I’d like aD选项是:D.Yes,I’d like a pen ( )7.can i help you?a.no,i don't b.i like this book.c.i like the book.d.yes ,i do( )7.can i help you?a.no,i don't b.i like this book.c.i like the book.d.yes ,i do 这个字怎么读"窑" "窑"怎么读 i n______ him come out of the room 根据首字母完成单词 I saw him_____ out of the roomA、go B、had goneC、has goneD、goes I n ________him come out of