
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 08:19:53
《这片土地是神圣的》阅读题答案1、所以说“我们是大地的一部分”,是因为();而说“大地也是我们的一部分”,是因为().“大地”与“我们”之间就是这样一种()的关系2、“你们应 “伤心日记”用英语怎么说 the preblem is said __ at yesterday's meeting,with no result.a.discuss b.to have been discussed 米糠中含有黑色的小物质,不知啥东西?米糠中含有黑色的小物质,是从米厂直接拉过来的,不知道是否有掺假. 山市的特点是( )、( ),这从文中( )、( )可以看出. 奂山山市的四个特点例如规模宏大,“连恒六七里,居然城郭矣“. 出自《曹刿论战》的成语? -He should have been warned of the danger.-______,but he wouldn't lieten to me.选项:A.So he was B.So was he C.So should he D.So he should The public has been warned of the danger of pollution. -Jack ought to have been taken to the hospital. -是A.So he was还是B.So he did拜托啦~ He shou have been warned of the danger,so he was.为什么不是so he should? ——He shoule have been warned of the danger.——____,but he wouldn't listen to me.A.So he had B——He shoule have been warned of the danger.——____,but he wouldn't listen to me.A.So he had B.so had he C.so was he D.so he was she always attracts many double takes from men Give her the beautiful handbag she always wanted. 《扁鹊见蔡桓公》里的成语和它的意思 That is for 解释一句文言文孙休好射雉,至其时,则晨去夕反.群臣莫不上谏曰:“此为小物,何足甚耽?”休曰:“虽为小物,耿介过人,朕所以好之.” (求助)一句文言文的解释!李白骑驴过华阴时曾对县宰说过:“曾令龙巾试吐,御手调羹,贵妃捧砚,力士脱靴.”中的“龙巾试吐”什么意思?那么“御手”指皇帝之手还是皇帝侍臣之手?难道说 故为君但当退小人之伪朋,用君子之真朋,则天下治矣. 山市 蒲松龄 山市的特点是 () () That's for sure是什么意思? 城南旧事读后感400字左右, 城南旧事中驴打滚儿读后感 400字 Matlab实现雅各比矩阵 荷塘月色最好的段落 We hope the little____we've been able to do has been of some use to you.填WHAT 还是THAT 为什么 It is for sure that the补充吧 有没有it is sure that 《巨人的花园》续写要四年级上册的《巨人的花园》原文,续写后面发审的故事,300字. 巨人的花园续写 900 高中英语作文范文(A Letter to Home) How does Ben want Mike to come to his home?(怎么回答,就是回答方法.)How does Ben want Mike to come to his home?-----------------------------------------------------------What gift did Mike's father ask him to give Ben?-----------------------