
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:15:15
辩论 科技发展利大还是弊大我是正方,最好是帮忙写正方面临反方的问题回答 严肃而恭敬 (打一词语) 深厚的友谊和感情 (打一词语)词语,最好是四个字的 We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found we like yet.A.this B.that C.it D.oneWe’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found we like yet.A.this B.that C.it D.one We've been looking for cheap houses but haven't found ______ we like yet.A.one B.other C.it D.that I have been (looking for) my lost keys,but I haven't found them till now括号中为什么要用looking for 13英语怎么写 indirect是什么意思补充:在excel工作表中,indirect的函数指代什么意思。 indirect procurement是什么意思 indirect characterization是什么意思 indirect 怀着严肃而崇敬的心情观看换个词语 形容怀着严肃而崇敬的心情观看的词语或成语 They haven"t yet 意思答准确有奖励 A good memory is a great ___ in learning a language.Everybody learns ...A good memory is a great ___ in learning a language.Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child.He hears the ___,remembers them and there he learns to speak.A 1 英语鲁迅的作品有~怎么表达? 关于鲁迅的英文作文! the baby required _____(look)after By whom _ the baby_(look)after? 中国四川省成都市高新区天府三街69号新希望国际B座1618如何翻译成英文 His job is ( )(look)after the baby 那位朋友英文好的,麻烦帮我翻译一下, (元通文化传播 ) 翻译成英文 We haven’t been able to find out the ___ of the rumour.A. sourceB. causeC. originD. reason how many childeren haven't been found? 3A纸尺寸大小,不要厘米数 Miss White believes traveling is of great help in learning什么意思 为什么纸的大小用K来表示? 一张纸最多可以对折几次,就不能再折了?①:猜想 ②:(列表:纸张材料,纸张尺寸大小,结果等)③:结论 He always thinks of the others more than ________.A.him B.his C.himself D.she 初一英语:she always thinks of ( )more than herself.选项:A other B others C the other D the others 塑料铲子能不能炒菜 刚买了个尼龙铲子,在电磁炉上准备炒菜. 热锅的时候铲子化在锅上了!怎么办?后来我准备拿勺子炒, 可是热锅的时候锅上的尼龙开始冒泡. 这怎么办啊?那炒菜吃了尼龙会不会有毒啊!?怎么能去 Millennium Development