
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:14:07
短文 Where to Live—in the City or in the Country?80字 Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to,_______the color of his skin.a、with the exception of b、 in the light of c、 by virtue of d、 regardless of这题选哪个?为什么?请翻译整句谢谢 there is no better way than to help others there is nothing more useful than having a good friend两句有什么区别 than后面加 to do和doing有什么区别 可互换吗 英语翻译句子意思我懂,就是希望能翻译的精简、准确一些. 收集或储存少量气体时用什么 收集或储存少量气体的仪器是什么? 1、收集货贮存少量气体是需用________(实验仪器)2、在做实验时,我们要逐步学会_______,仔细观察_________,正确记录______和_____3、涡虫、吸血虫属于________动物?4、时间的常用单位是_______、______ 怎样磨练意志 eco-相关英文词汇请谁提供eco-开头的相关词汇对不起大家提供的我都有我说的是诸如“eco-friendly,eco-development”等的合成词 请教几个英文单词的中文解释.smim,thefaceshop,eco,arsainte. where u live ,the I have just found out that time really can change everything ,if not ,maybe you have never liked me “I have never found that I love you so RT 一首很好听的铃声i ll find a way to...I never really have to coming I want to say i wait for my hea大概歌词是这样的 欧美女声 挺柔和的 我想下完整的歌 哪些方法磨练自己的意志? 如何使用金山快译翻译英文 用英语写出《my holiday》,至少50个单词,用过去式 英语短文(60词) 咋写? -----you----the key Yes,it was in my bag .A.Have ,found B.Did ,find I LOVE YOU MY HOME MY HOME MY HAVEN ~ 翻成中文是哪首歌里的 流量控制阀主要包括几种阀,分别是什么阀? it is really hard to find a nice place in this city()we can have a pinic AwhereBhatCwhichDwhen it is really a good place还是it is a really good place I ________(be)to Xinjiang twice.It's really a beautiful place. Fe N O Cu C Si H Ag 这些化学元素符号各是什么>? please call mike.the number is 83856423.(把两句合成一句) please call mike________ _________ Boy if I told you I love you That doesn't mean that I don't care,oooh And when I tell you I need y i love you i need you girl 是什么歌 bigbang If I send something to the girl I love,and she did not delete it,does that mean she loves me too? I love you,and i mean it求翻译 please type the location where you want to place the extraceted flies Please type the location where you want tu place the extracted