
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:47:58
apple 就是apple的历史 什么样的苹果叫有机苹果?传统苹果是什么样的? 批改英语作文随着网络的发展,目前很多人给好友发电子贺卡.请更具以下提示阐述电子贺卡的优越性.1.除图像外,还可以传递动画和声音,生动,有趣;传播速度快;2.形式多样,还可以Flash或其他 英语作文求批改~Generally,a multitude of people thought that to find a tutor more than ask their friends help,but,that's way get a variety of disadvantage.If you to find a tutor to help you pass an examination,It's possible cost a lot.No matter 一塔沉在河里,有1/3沉入地层,1/4在水中,露出水面5米,水中和地层各是几米? 水的流入使水位升几米,每个门降几米/小时?开5个门,还需几小时使水位降到线?6小时内使水位降到线,打开几个水库一共有10个泄闸门,现在水位已超过安全线,上游的河水仍以一个不变的速度流 座机号码,分机号码英语怎么说啊 如何判断赤道在山的哪层啊,是依据雪线还是看自然带高的一侧求大神解答. 帮我批改一下英语作文吧,May,20th,SaturdayYesterday,I with my classmate planed to climbing worth mountain and had a picnic.In the morning,we called togather at 7 o'clock in school gate.Soon,it was raining,but we took bicycle continue,and we 什么是有机苹果 Sometimes you need to step outside,clear your head,and remind yourself of who you are and where yo请帮译一下上面那句的中文的意思是什么 sometimes you need to step outside,clear your head,and remind yourself who you are and where you wa “请稍后,我把您转到他的分机上”翻译成英语? “我把您转到他的分机上(extension)”翻译成英文. 公司分机怎样把别的分机的通话转到自己分机例如:A的电话响了,但是A不在位子上,我怎样用我的电话接A的电话? 请稍后,我会把你转到他的分机上”这句话怎么翻译成英语? 请帮我批改一下这篇英语作文, 帮批改一下这篇英语作文Today,there is no consensus yet on whether intelligent students should be taught as an independent group and be educated separately.In this essay,I will compare and contrast two perspectives on this issue.Personally,I 可以帮我批改一下这篇英语作文吗在句酷批改网打了81分,但是觉得机改的还是有纰漏,Should We Help Strangers?We used to be taught to help more people as much as we can,no matter how much you know him.Recently,there are inc Cu(NO3)溶液与NaOH溶液是不是复分解反应? Na与Cu(so4)溶液反应时,会和水先反应生成NaOH,再与CU(SO4)反应,而和HCL反应时,直接就和HCL反应为什么?希望各位能帮帮小弟 同一种元素可以组成不同的单质吗?举例说明 一种元素只能形成一种单质 你的观点是对还是错 举例说明 什么是单质? 请举例! 急:关于美与丑的作文700字今晚要交!写作程度程度大概在高一 不需要过于深奥 外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机场.她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师1.请检查(check on)明天的车是否落实,提醒司机(remind sb.of sth.提醒某人做某事).2.她之所 what about加doing还是to do what about do还是what about to do? 谁能帮我批改一下英语作文,Dear Mary:I was very happy when I knowed you would come to my city.Therefore you need to know some things that are different between my city and America.Such as the climate,in winter,the weather is so cool and som 根据汉语提示完成句子(八年级英语)他叔叔在一所新办的中学工作.His uncle ____at a newly-built__school.我想念我以前学校的同学们.I____my classmates ___my ___school. 八年级下册英语根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子.1.去年我去长城了并且爱上了它.I ________ to the Great Wall last year and ______ _______ _______ ________ it.2.他们已经失败了许多次,但是总有一天他们会 由一种元素构成的单质可能是混合物吗?