
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:48:32
I dont have problem with that 情景:我和一尼日利亚的老外说,我不太熟悉英式英语,因为我从小学美式的,我怕 他一讲得快,我就catch 不了.他说:“haha..I dont have problem with that ”他是想说,我两种都听 have problem/have a problem/have problems我想知道这三个词组的区别所在 we dont have the same looks,but were good friends的中文意思we don·t have the same looks,but we·re good friends的中文意思 --Have you worked out the problem?--Not yet,but I___.A;din't B;am going to C;haven't D;can 请问选哪一个?为什么? I need to study hard to pass the English e_ _ _ I need to study hard to learn English well to make more money.大虾指点下,这有两个目的状语了,能这样用吗或者最后一个能用分词代替吗感觉这两个目的状语不是同一级别的I need to study hard to learn English 英语翻译I fogund this wevbsinte that shoMws who has a cruzsh on you and thuought you'd w5anna know that one of my frirends had odne on you.You goWtta tGry itV!what the heck..this idiot girl was stupid enough to put these pics on her profile?还 挪威高居榜首,而美国则排在第七 英语翻译 【《挪威的森林》中心灵的叩问与救赎 】这个标题的英文翻译 英语翻译用英文翻释出 挪威腾博(国际)化进出口有限公司授权潍坊腾博肥业有限肥业有限公司全权负责其产品在中国境内的一切销售业务,特此授权. Maria usually gets to school _____ subway是用on还是用by?为什么? 求英语对话每段对话3分钟 大学2年级口语考试 task1 A和B约好晚上九点到宿舍找班长,但是班长不在,A和b猜测班长不在的各种理由task2 A要来长沙办事,找到b寻求帮助 b同意了帮忙找住宿和借用电 哪位英语达人帮我找或者编个大学两个人的英语对话?稍微简单点的 最好是情景那种, 英语场景对话…求高手 用于 大学口语考试 Work inpairs.One of you will take the part of A,and the other B.A and B are from different universities and both of them are going tuo graduate next year.A and B discussing whether it is necess 大学英语口语考试 关于best friends方面,自己一个人说2分钟左右,不要对话的 We have a new we have a new P.E. 坚持是怎么样(填形容词)的什么(填前边形容词所描绘的事物)写出三句上述句型. shall we have a competition? We have a family dinner together是什么意思 事物消失瞬间的形容词 large的最高级,climb 的名词,differ 的形容词快 请问“我们结婚了”翻译成英语后是“We are married"还是“We got married” 二者翻译起来有区别吗? 我结过婚 但是离婚了 这句话用英语怎么说 i was married?还是i got married 结婚 get marriage 能这样表达么 不能的话该如何表达结婚 get marriage 能这样表达么 不能的话该如何表达 marriage married 词性 快些谢 Everyone need to study hard.这句话哪里错了? Many a man and woman 谓语用单数,那Many a man and many a woman 后谓语单数还是复数?请多举例 I can promise you,but you need to study hard中文 "half as many women as men"怎么翻译? A man comes in and sits down at a table.哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下- men and women ,young and old英语翻译