
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:47:30
已知a-b=2,那么a²-b²-4b的值为 甲乙两车同时从AB两地相向而行,第一次在离A地75km处相遇,第二次在离B地67km相遇,求全长? 甲乙两辆汽车同时从A,B两地相对开出,第一次在离A地6KM处相遇,相遇 后继续前进,到达目的地后又立刻返回,第二次相遇在离A地32KM处,A,B两地相距多远? you can walk a____ and open the window 求集合[m/m=7n,n∈N+且m 整数是假分数吗,比如7,6 写出分子是7的全部假分数 would you please keep the window___?let the fresh air in.A open B opening C opened D to open 小红在做作业时,不小心将两滴墨水洒在一个数轴上,判断墨水盖住的数有几个 Would you mind to open the window 错在哪 I would like to play with my friends in the open air.翻译 Would you wind --- (open)the windowWe w--- having fun in the zooDon’t mention that a--- food Would you mind if I open the window?改为简单句(共7个单词) M={x|x=3n+1,n∈Z且100<m<1000}的元素个数为? 已知集合A=a a=2m+3n,m,n∈Z问2是否是A的元素 甲·乙两车在相距30km的路上行驶,两车同时出发,甲50km一时,乙60km一时,经过多少时两车相距90km?(请考虑多种可能) Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in?-No,( ).A I'd rather notB I'd rather you notC I'd rather you didn'tD.I'd like not to求具体解释,谢谢. Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in?-- No,________ A.I’d rather not B.I’d ratherShall I open the window to let some fresh air in?-- No,________A.I’d rather not B.I’d rather you notC.I’d rather you didn’t D.I’d l shall i open the window to let some frsh air in no ,i 'd rather you didn't回答为什么用过去啊,you didn't The s__ in the room is terrible We should open the window and let some freshThe s__ in the room is terrible.We should open the window and let some fresh air in.首字母填空- - 解释-4的平方根算不了,而-8的立方根就算得了? 已知A>1,P:A(X-2)+1>0,Q:(X-1)的平方>A(X-2)+1,试寻求使得P.Q 都成立的X的集合 2分之1+6分之1+12分之1.+1560分之1 1/2+1/6+1/12+…+1/1560=? 求最大公因数 1/2+5/6+11/12+19/20+20/30怎么做, 1/2+1/6+1/12+1/20+1/30+1/42+1/56怎么做?我已经知道算式了,但我想求答案.1/1-1/2+1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+1/4-1/5+1/5-1/6+1/6-1/7+1/7-1/8=(一个算式)=得数. 用烈组词再放入句子中(语文)1、越到节假日,哥哥回家的愿望越().2、老师让同学们合作学习,同学们讨论的十分().3、()的地震发生了,大地()地抖动起来.4、冲锋号吹响了,我军向 巧用“烈组词,并准确地填在句子中 风()地刮着,树枝()地摇晃看 小明在摆竖式计算5.37除以一个数时,不小心把除数的小数点向右多移了一位,结果得数比正确答案小了3.222.要算式方法,最好不要方程 中国抗日战争的起点和中国人民局部抗战开始的标志是? 从局部抗战到全国性的抗日战争的开始,大约经历了多少年?