
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:12:26
Ann likes ()eggs ,hamburgers and pears.A,eating B,eat C,to eat D,/ 讲原因 是否真的可以为了自己所爱的人放弃一切吗 如果让你放弃家庭放弃孩子也可以吗?和丈夫没有了感情 可是现在孩子又太小了才5岁 不想让自己以后会后悔 在孩子和深爱的男人中做出怎样的选 世界上最小的国家梵蒂冈的领土面积为? 2.4g的镁变成镁离子失去的电子书为多少NA? only a very short time before 牛津字典上英文解释hardly是only a very short time before.给的例句是.the party had hardly started when the police arrived.这里有什么联系吗?可是要是很短时间以前的意思。和句子没有什 UG 如何使一个曲面上的曲线沿曲面上各个点拉伸 在UG中投影到圆上的曲线,往圆上拉伸如何使每一点都朝向圆心拉伸谢谢 i don't wanna boy friend i need reall man I don't want a boy friend.I need a real 保护长江黄河的倡议书xxxxx1.xxxxx2.xxxxx3.xxxxx每一点多写一点 保护长江的倡议书应从哪几个角度去写?最好说一下长江面临的问题 Do you like eggs?yes i do .but i don't want one.这里为什么用one?eggs不是复数吗?如果要指代的话为什么用one而不用ones?还是说两个都可以换?如果换成but i don't want ones. 英语翻译i like bananas,but i don't want one.这个为什么用one I like banans,but I __ want one I likes bananas,but he __want one. 一篇views on stereotypes的英语作文急求一篇views on stereotype120到150字左右的英语作文 I am going to do what Iwant to do的同义句 I am going to the concert . _______exciting! A how B what c how a D what a The same as / with/ to区别 the same as 和the same with 有什么区别 Can you use a computer?(否定回答)怎么写啊,要写三段 Do you like biscuits?Do you want it?改错题.答案把it改为one为什么?改成any可以吗 the same as的用法the same 加上名词 as 为什么呀,上网找了也是the same as 后加上动名词,可是老师的笔记上是这么记的呀 the same as的用法和例句说的稍微详细一些把same as的用发说的详细一些最好再写几个例句 到底有没有as same as 的用法?如果有,那和the same as 有何区别 it,work.going,i,on,to,am,now how old -----w------this twins last year (同义句)I hope they will sometimes come and help me . ( ) They help me _____ B.with C.on they will decide on --------(suit)ways to help those --------(home)pepole. 我将做我想做的事 I'm going to ( ) ( ) i want todo I want to know ________an artist. 求涵含义