
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:07:54
英语翻译我要表达的中文是:一直很幸福.这个词组适不适合?有没有语法错误? 我们是否外出取决于天气 ____ ___ ____ we'll go outing depends on the weather请帮忙填空 正确掌握单词fridge,shelf的发音用英语怎么说 有一篇英语阅读理解就是说父母和孩子处理关系的,请帮忙找一找,我们会讨厌父母阻止我们做一些事,但这是父母的关爱,就是说我们应怎么与父母相处的,比如让父母了解你的动向,给父母打电 如何解决孩子与父母之间的沟通困难?我的父母都是60年代的人,我是90后,对生活的看法很不相同,又是会争起来,但我出于孝顺,是不跟他们顶撞的,该怎么解决这方面的问题? 莽草酸是否是有机化合物? 莽草酸是有机物吗 you will always be my 如题,想知道“you will always be my 是在听李玟雨歌的时候出现的句子,纳闷啊.希望各位大侠不吝指教, 怎样处理好家长与孩子之间的关系我妈妈希望我与读书厉害的同学在一起玩,我与她说了很多编,同学之间是平等的,但,不见效果. you will always be my favorite知道的用汉语 发过来 蛋白质分子中有哪些重要的化学键?是怎样形成的?各有什么功能? 今天化验了一个铁矿石,化验结果是1.89吨出一吨铁粉,70个品位,这矿应该在什么价位? 血液化验结果:B-绒毛膜促性腺激素>10000,这个结果是什么意思是怀孕查的结果 you will always be my pig ever care about you 钢铁究竟是怎样练成的?又有谁拥有钢铁般的意志呢?请回答我!3Q 百度竟价排名后台,这个样子了,this page is forbidden because of your frequently access! This is the most wonderfui day of my life,because I'm here with you now! I am not because of you came to this world,it is because of you more love of the world; as long as you remember me,I do not mind I regard the whole world forgotten. after this, and therefore because of this什么意思 my heart will always be wlth you . 英语单词中音标与音素是否一样? what is your plan for future为什么不用TO而用FOR What is your plan _____ the future,Betty? What is your plan of the future? how about the rest of us [having]a meeting after dinner?[having]为什么不能用[to have] how about_a rest. a.to have b.have c.having we have two rooms to live in,but we haven't decided which one to choose.which one to choose.为什么不用to choose which one? 根据首字母填单词 Let's find a p--- to have a rest,How about that cafe?What he just said is not t——,Don’t believe him.Don‘t be s——when you speak English.You should speak it loudly.They look r—— lying in the sofa.Tom is short an 简单好唱的英文歌要好听的!我想利用唱英语歌提高英语,我马上初三了.说歌名就行了.要适合我的。 how about ________there and have a food rest a.sit b.to sit c.sitting d.to sitting 求一些简单好唱的英文歌曲中文歌曲也要,多多益善是想在KTV里唱的 要简单好唱的 What is your favourite holiday?