
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 11:05:42
土壤PH值6.2,灌溉水PH值7.1,全年低于7度温度500小时的地方能否种蓝莓?要是能种,如何增加产量和品质? 土壤PH值6.2,灌溉水PH值7.2,的地方能不能种蓝莓?要怎么分别改良土壤和灌溉水才能增加产量和质量? 为什么英国人能殖民 美国人、加拿大、英国人的名字!比如:Justin Bieber 是不是前面是名 后面是姓?如果后面是姓,那么为什么很多人都称呼姓而不是前面的名. “天净沙·秋思”其题目意为“秋天的思绪”,那么,你从哪里看出全曲写的是秋天特有的景象?作者借写秋天要表达的思想感情是什么? 天净沙.秋思 文中共写了几种事物?具体是哪几种? 历史英国有没有尝试过殖民中国大陆? 关于塞内加尔被法国殖民的历史和毛里求斯被英国殖民的历史 草字头下面一个宝盖头和一怎么读啊 上面一个草字头,下面一个宛去掉宝盖头是什么字? 设α 为锐角且lg(1-cosα)=m,lg(1+cos α )=n则lgsinα= 怎么劝爸爸不要去打麻将,帮个忙,我爸做的是体力活,白天要工作,晚上又要打麻将,帮个忙. 蚂蚁蛋为什么会比蚂蚁大? 天王星表面蓝色是由于大气主要为 1.水2.液态氨3甲烷 天王星大气中含有丰富的氢气和甲烷,这些物质可为将来人类的深空探测提供帮助的有 红岩的好词 急 请问emphasis有没有复数? Doing it properly makes considerable demands on our time. it is considerable that请问这个搭配可以吗? Writing is a slow process,requiring _____ thought,time,and effort.A.significant B.considerable为啥选B 不选C?C.enormous D.considerate抱歉, 谢谢你的鼓励 用英文怎么说 Having been through nearly 3 years of time on campus,I have obtained considerable experience语法有什么问题么...我从小语法就差,大家看这两句话都是现在完成时. 跟另一个人或事物比较起来显得远远不如什么成语成语 I have been I have been laid是我跟人上过床的意思吗?为什么会是这个意思呢 伯伯和我是什么关系比如我和爸爸的关系是父子 我女朋友在英国,移动发短信的费用怎么算? [-A95] After the Arab states won independence,great em phasis was laid on education,withgirls as well as boys ______ to go to school .A.to be encouraged B.encouragingC.encouragedD.be encouraged翻译并分析 after the Arab states won independence great emphasis was laid on expanding education ,with girl as well as boys( )encouraged to go to school A to be encouraged B been encouraged C being encouraged D be encouraged After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on education, with girls as wel... After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on education, with girls as well as boys _____ to go to school. A. to be encouraged B 一件工作甲乙合作需24天完成,乙丙合作需40天完成,甲丙合作需30天完成,若甲乙丙独做各需多少天? After the Arab states won their independence,much attention was paid to developing education,with girls as well as boys( )to go to school.A.been encouraged B.encouraged C.to be encouraged D.be encouraged本人语法不是很好 甲乙工作完成需15天,乙丙完成需20天,甲丙完成需30天,甲乙丙一起工作需几天?