
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:59:38
"Can you read?" Mary said ( ) to the noticeA.angrily pointing B.and point angrily C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing .句子的翻译是一边说一边指着 .那么said 不应该用ing形式吗? "can't you read " Mary said ____ to the notice A angrily pointing"can't you read " Mary said ____ to the noticeA angrily pointingB angrily pointed 这个B 不是非谓语吗,非谓语的形式不是可以有ed的吗,为什么不能选B,我感觉AB都 "Can you read?" Mary said ( ) to the notice 选项见问题补充angrily pointing and point angrily angrily pointed and angrily pointing请详细解答!谢谢· 孔子生活在距今约2500多年前的()时期,是我国伟大的()家,()家. amaze用法 surprise shock 的区别说点有用的,别跟我说程度不同啊什么什么的…… 单词 astonish ,surprise,amaze ,astond,shock,wounder,的每个的词性?区别?程度排序? I was wrong You know what I neally like?翻译 But I was wrong什么意思 surprise amaz shock三个单词有什么区别啊 I was wrong and widely wrong. It's very easy to take five minutes out of your day to do that.what's the meaning of "out of" bike,borrow,friend,a,from,your(.)组句 the bike you b____ for me is lost 以Happy Mid Autumn Day 为题写一篇英语作文 不要写太多~60词左右 I 'll tell you what to do when you are go into a barber's shop.是一个什么句子 It's not easy to pass the exam.的同义句? 什么是How funny it is!That's easy. now i will tell you w____ to do when you go into a barber"s shop next t____ 请用自己的语言写出“三人行,必有我师焉,”的原因 “三人行,必有我师焉”这句话有道理吗?为什么? 如何看待“三人行,必有我师焉”这句话?“三人行,必有我师焉”这句话历来被奉为虚心好学的格言,但在今天看来是否太虚伪了?是否对自己的能力知识太不自信了? 三人行,必有我师焉.这句话的意思? 《我为文明交通献一计》作文400多字,明天要! 英语翻译To reach my life goal ,I need to get enough power and courage ,of course including a smart brain ,which I think I won’t forget ,I will remember these actions and thoughts forever holy crap 英英翻译谢谢 bring 什么是crap函数? 他的图是怎么样的 用bring to a conclusion造句 bring...to...的中文是