
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:50:50
How many p_____ are there on the wellHow many p_____ are there on the wellThis is b_____ you and me.Don't tall othersI have a computer game.It's very i_____Do you want to j_____ the English clupWe have many v____,like broccoliDo you like French f____ 填单词 His office is well o____ though there are many things in it. 用括号里的词的适当形式填空there are many famous------[story].but I like cinderella---------[well].mary is one of the ---------- [brave] girl in our class.zhuge liang is very --------[smart].In fact he is the -----------[smart] character. 补全句子:学好英语有很多种方式.There are many _ _ _to learn English well.补全句子:学好英语有很多种方式.There are many _ _ _to learn English well. Do you have a green backpack?下一句应是什么? 求教高手,下面的句子almost 和always两个副词连用有什么作用啊customers want the best value for their money, and thus they will almosts always do a quality comparision and make purchases based on the best price for the best value. There Is something wrong with my computer.中文.任何解释there is something wrong,wrong的词性is为什么是单数 句子中可以两个副词连用吗比如:she went completely aw这句话对吗?抱歉,句子是she went completely away打错了 问几句中文的英文词相聚只为分别曾经不再回来过去无法回头问一下这3句的英文分别是什么 关于初中英语的语法像什么倒装句呀什么宾语从句呀还有什么主谓宾定状补神马副词冠词的定义都搞不懂谁可以详细的讲下或者发个都有解释和例子的链接呀!平常像一些基本的句式还懂就是 100个英语副词不要语法粘贴也行副词100个! The news ____ very interesting.Tell me more!A.is B.are C.were D.was为什么选A不选D,新闻(是你刚才讲的)很有意思,再多说点!祈使句前一定用一般现在时吗 怎么写作文《时间去哪儿了》? 朴素的反义词是什么呢 "been there,done that and yes,this IS the T-shirt" 不要机器翻的 那是错的原文前面说...this is the class where you look cool ,a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as "been there." It's clear that he is proud of his new car 句子翻译 平板计数法和比浊法测定绘出的生长曲线的有何差异?那个方法更科学 为什么? 如何测定菌种生长曲线 达摩是什么意思印度教宣称人生有四个目的,利,欲,法(即达摩),解脱.这个“法”应怎样理解? 如何测定植物细胞生长曲线?(急!)我现在在做黄芪细胞悬浮培养,需要测定其细胞生长曲线,可不知道用哪种参数较好? 达摩祖师 达摩克斯之剑是什么意思? Your client is not allowed to access the requestd abjet. 帮我翻译一下:your client is not allowed to access the requested object是什么意思 your client is not allowed to access the requestedob ject 是什么意思 Your client is not allowed to access the requested后面还有个object.帮我翻译翻译. your client is not allowed access the request object是什么意思? I am not sure if he to the partyI am not sure if he( ) to the party.If he ( ),he can use my car.A.will come ,comesB.will come ,will comeC.comes ,comesD.comes ,will come选什么?重要的是讲一下为什么>if后边引导条件状语从句 逗号 什么叫做达摩五指,分别代表什么意思或者有什么涵义呢? 想问下运用qc7大手法主要目的是什么?难道只是一目了然?如题. 达摩祖师是谁?介绍. 想问下公司运用qc7大手法主要目的是干什么的?想问下运用qc7大手法主要目的是什么?难道只是一目了然?